HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality report

The reports excluding Step 3 now include vacancies (and applicants) where vacancies were advertised ‘internally-only’ as well as externally.

The logic included in the checks requires all Step 1 errors to be resolved ahead of resolving Step 2 errors. Step 3 errors are less of a priority and can be run independently of steps 1 and 2. The ‘data view and export applicants’ data set is to be used when working with Step 2 errors.

Data checking functionality of this report is split over 4 paginated reports (click to see more details):



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  1. Run this report first, before any others.
  2. Action all red messages in the recruitment module.
  3. Re-run this report to check the changes have been entered correctly.
  • Checks vacancies advertised 'internally-only' or externally on or after the start of the academic year, (i.e. 1 August), to date
  • Returns one row per vacancy
  • Highlights OPEN vacancies which have been open for 4 months or more

‘Vacancy Open-Closed Status’ must only ever be OPEN or CLOSED

Once a vacancy is closed, then ‘Date closed’ must be added and the ‘Vacancy Status’ must be set to either of the following:

  1. Run this second step once you have cleared all the red errors from the advertised vacancy checking report (Step 1).
  2. Action all red error messages with reference to the Adding applicant status history data, red messages indicate mandatory data are missing. When adding missed Applicant Status for applicants whose Applicant Status History includes ‘Offer Accepted – Personnel’ it is NOT possible to then update the status to 'Offer Accepted - Personnel'. Update the final status to 'Offer Accepted'.
  3. Action the orange advisory messages if you wish, but this is not mandatory data for recruitment monitoring.
  4. Re-run the report to check the changes have been entered correctly.
  • This report checks for the presence of the four mandatory applicant statuses
    • Applied 
    • Shortlisted
    • Offer Made / Offer Made – Personnel
    • Offer Accepted / Offer Accepted – Personnel)
  • Checks also for the non-mandatory, but useful, applicant status of ‘Invited for Interview 1’
  • Checks all vacancies advertised ‘internally-only’ or externally on or after the start of the academic year, (i.e. 1 August), to date, that are closed, that have outcomes (recruitment status) set to ‘Appointment Made’ or ‘No Appointment Made'
  • Returns one row per vacancy
  1. Run this report last of all.
  2. Action all red error messages in the PeopleXD Recruitment module.
  3. Re-run this report to check the changes have been entered correctly.
  • Checks all vacancies created in PeopleXD Recruitment on or after the start of the academic year, (i.e. 1 August), to date that were not advertised either 'internally-only' or externally
  • Includes vacancies created for administrative purposes such as regrading, direct appointments or new contracts
  • Non-advertised vacancies do not contribute to recruitment monitoring but still need closing down properly
  • Returns one row per vacancy
  • This report is formatted to provide either an on-screen view of applicant statuses or can be exported for use in Excel (can be used to create Pivot Tables).
  • Returns one row per applicant, so potentially multiple rows per vacancy
  • Returns applicant data for vacancies advertised ‘internally-only’ or externally on or after the start of the academic year, (i.e. 1 August), that are closed, that have outcome (recruitment stage) set to 'Appointment Made' or 'No Appointment Made'
  • If a vacancy does not appear here it may be because it has a data quality issue, which will be highlighted red in the first report 'Step 1 - Advertised vacancy validation'
  • Ensure you have removed all red errors from the first report in order to view all vacancies and applicants