Our step-by step guidance materials are designed to help you complete system tasks. Please always refer to these resources first, as they will most likely answer your query.
To find what you need:
- go to User Support and Guides;
- navigate to the relevant section; and
- identify the ‘I need to…’ statement that fits your scenario. In the 'drop-down', you will find links to all relevant guidance, policy and other useful documentation.
Still can't find the guide you're looking for? Visit our A-Z for PeopleXD guidance
Don’t forget that you can also return to the eLearners at any time, to refresh your knowledge.
Whatfix, a self-help tool, is now available
Whatfix provides real-time system guidance within PeopleXD, and is now available for Staff Requests. Users can view hints and tips to help with completing particular screens and fields. Find out more here.