HR Systems : All Pages
- Picture Credits
- Home
- Using the payroll costing report
- PAYDEP02 Historical pay costing report
- Pay and costing reports
- IT set-up information
- Recruitment reports
- User support and guides
- Reports library
- Recruiting staff
- Navigation, Whatfix, reporting and other
- Training administration
- User Support
- HR Systems Data Service
- Governance
- HR Systems Steering Committee
- HR Systems Data Service forms
- HR Self-Service guidance
- Training administration reports
- Personnel reports - current data
- Personnel reports - monthly reports
- Personnel reports - tracking reports
- Athena Swan
- Athena Swan data provision
- Athena Swan and PeopleXD
- Using Tableau
- HESA Staff Data Return Overview
- Person-level data
- Previous UK HEI employment
- Academic subjects taught and/or researched
- Academic teaching qualifications
- Highest qualification held
- Leaving destination and activity after leaving
- Appointment-level data
- Why care about data quality?
- HRINFO01 Data quality validation reports
- HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality report
- Reporting on staffing data
- HR Analytics
- Staffing figures
- Identify the type of access and training you need
- Change your HR system access
- Booking information and conditions
- Contact details
- Our services
- HR Systems Guardians
- System availability and login
- Current projects
- System issues
- HR Analytics team
- HR Systems Bulletin
- NHS contract details and clinical specialties
- Annual HESA Staff Data Return
- Staff Classifications
- Amending Appointments
- Amending vacancy and applicant data
- Making changes to recruitment data
- Data Quality
- Casual payment spreadsheet online guide
- Research only contracts
- REF 2021
- HRA Activities
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- HRINFO20 Casual worker data quality validation report
- Training booking conditions
- Maintaining correct cost allocations
- Recruitment POG
- People Management POG
- Reward POG
- Pay POG
- Internal Job Board FAQs
- Data Quality Clearing Errors
- Complete your HR systems training
- Introduction to CoreHR
- Recruitment: Managing vacancies and applicants
- People Management: managing new starters, changes and leavers
- HR Reporting
- HR Reporting project
- New appointments
- During employment
- Recruitment
- Ending appointments
- Product Ownership Groups
- Data Quality and Assurance
- Governance
- HRINFO01 Data Validation - Qualifications & Subjects Report
- System updates
- System updates, issues and fixes
- HR Analytics Newsletter
- HESA Changes 2020-21
- Radioactive Materials Management
- August 2021 bulletin
- September 2021 bulletin
- Staff Requests
- Recruitment
- People management common queries
- Reporting common queries
- Document templates common queries
- October 2021 bulletin
- FAQs and further help
- November 2021 bulletin
- Where to go for help
- HRA work activities
- January 2022 bulletin
- PeopleXD system enhancements updates
- This month's Payroll deadlines
- February 2022 bulletin
- Time Management reports
- March 2022 bulletin
- Time Management POG
- April 2022 bulletin
- May 2022 bulletin
- Request access to HR Systems
- June 2022 bulletin
- Identify and book the training you need
- July 2022 bulletin
- Leave and absence
- Timesheets
- August 2022 bulletin
- Central roles
- Access and training
- Change or remove system access
- Tips for completing the eLearners
- Individual User Agreement
- Recruitment Navigation
- People Management Navigation
- Approve Staff Requests
- Approve Pay
- September 2022 bulletin
- Introduction to PeopleXD
- Recruitment: Managing vacancies and applicants
- People Management: managing new starters, changes and leavers
- October 2022 bulletin
- November 2022 bulletin
- December 2022 bulletin
- POG role descriptions
- January 2023 bulletin
- PeopleXD Onboarding overview
- How-to guide: Onboarding - Other: send a message via Onboarding
- February 2023 bulletin
- March 2023 bulletin
- Casual workers, teachers and examiners
- Create a new casual appointment
- End a casual appointment
- Payroll cycle and deadlines
- April 2023 bulletin
- How-to guide: Onboarding - Extract completed new starter data
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- Appointing guidance (online applicants): Replace existing appointment (same department)
- Appointing guidance (online applicants): Create additional appointment
- Change or remove access to HR Systems
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- May 2023 bulletin
- HR Systems Programme projects
- POGs portfolio
- June 2023 bulletin
- HR Systems Bulletin archive
- How-to: Create and approve staff requests
- How-to: Create and approve staff requests - Initiate a request
- How-to: Create and approve staff requests - Complete a request
- How-to: Create and approve staff requests - Edit, delete or copy a request
- How-to: Create and approve staff requests - Approve or reject a request
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not online applicants)
- July 2023 bulletin
- Add and manage personal details
- Reward and Recognition scheme
- Reward and Recognition scheme: Non-recurrent awards
- Reward and Recognition scheme: Recurrent awards
- Reward and Recognition scheme: Record nominations
- Reward and Recognition scheme: Useful reports
- August 2023 bulletin
- Request access to People Data dashboards
- Manage a successful applicant
- Manage a successful applicant - link planned appointment
- Manage a successful applicant - applicant events
- September 2023 bulletin
- Manage a successful applicant - record offer
- Manage a successful applicant - view/update referees
- Manage a successful applicant - next steps
- Appointing guidance (online applicants) - monitor Onboarding tasks completion
- Scenario factsheet: Outside appointments
- Extract Onboarding data and update staff record
- Whatfix
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants) - monitor Onboarding tasks completion
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- October 2023 bulletin
- Add and manage UDF records
- Add and manage UDFs in PeopleXD
- Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants) - Pre-appointing guidance
- Add and manage UDFs in PeopleXD - new starter UDFs
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants) - extract Onboarding data
- End Appointments
- Appointing guide (online applicants) - New starter checklist
- New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants) - New starter checklist
- Close a vacancy
- Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events - Vacancy Status
- Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events - Applicant Status
- Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events - Recruitment Events
- A-Z PeopleXD guidance
- November 2023 bulletin
- Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events - About this guide
- Manage unplanned recruitment scenarios - system steps
- Manage unplanned recruitment scenarios - overview and scenarios
- December 2023 bulletin
- January 2024 bulletin
- Recording appointment start dates
- Recording appointment end dates
- Accessing HR Systems and Navigating PeopleXD
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Current questions
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Vacancy details
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Vacancy profile
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Approve for publication (inc checklist)
- February 2024 bulletin
- Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Record external advertising
- HR Systems: Use of cookies on this website
- March 2024 bulletin
- POGs Portfolio and other BAU projects
- April 2024 bulletin
- Requesting enhancements or changes
- New starter process summary
- Request access to Tableau with Service Request
- May 2024 bulletin
- HESA Timelines and key activities
- June 2024 bulletin
- HR Systems recruitment, people and pay data
- How to: approve or reject salaries and allowances
- How to: approve or reject salaries and allowances/Salary approvals screen
- How to record and manage funding (cost allocations and source of funding)
- TEST Recruitment
- TEST Staff Classification
- How to set up and manage probation details
- Apprenticeships
- Preparing for Workforce Management rollout in PeopleXD
- Viewing and using People Data dashboards
- July 2024 bulletin
- Online shortlisting
- Online shortlisting - Set up and manage the shortlisting assignment
- Online shortlisting - Uploading documents for the panellists
- Julie template
- Add and manage allowances
- Recruitment Data
- Recruitment data
- People data
- Reports supporting HR processes
- Data quality reports
- August 2024 bulletin
- University HR Essentials
- September 2024 bulletin
- Record annual leave, sickness and other absence
- Workforce Management: managing annual leave, sickness and other absence
- Assign Pay Code Access Group
- Assign Work Schedule
- Leave balances - assign a balance
- Leave balances - checking assigned balances
- Leave balances - What is a balance and when do I assign one?
- Leave balances - make balance adjustment
- Make appointment and salary changes