June 2022 bulletin

News and reminders

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Deadlines and support for staff

Eligible staff will receive the Thank you payment in their salary on 28 July, unless they request to divert it into a pension or University/college hardship funds, via the online form. Please ensure staff in your department have received this message and are reminded of the deadline to submit any such request by 5pm on Friday 24 June 2022.

Please continue to direct staff to the thank you payment web pages, for further details and FAQs.

Deadlines and support for departments

The deadline for departments to submit exceptions forms to reward.payment@admin.ox.ac.uk is midday on Friday 1 July 2022. Please refer to the FAQs for HR staff, for further information about this.

For support with answering staff queries, please refer to the thank you payment web pages and the updated FAQs for HR staff (circulated on Wednesday 15 June). If your query is not answered in the FAQs, please contact reward.payment@admin.ox.ac.uk.

We are aware that some staff who missed the VC’s announcement of the Thank You payment have incomplete contact details on their personnel record. Please continue to encourage staff in your department to check their details in HR Self-Service, which may help with spotting data errors and omissions in the future.

Update from the HR Analytics team

University wide there are currently 251 ‘staff classification errors’ in the HRINFO01 Data Validation 2021-22 report; a 10.1% increase on last month’s figure.

To correct a staff classification error, follow the steps below:

  1. Refer to the Staff classification scheme web page and Staff Classification Guide to determine the correct Sub-category staff classification for the role, taking into account its grade and generic job description
  2. The Generic Job Description column gives the generic roles that each sub-category applies to, where applicable. The following web page should be referred to when deciding if a role is undertaking academic research.
  3. Read along the row in the guide to determine the Category that is paired up with the Sub-category.
  4. To correct a staff classification error once an appointment has been activated in PeopleXD, follow the How-To guide: Track changes and correct records. Don't create a new appointment sequence. For ended appointments: send the corrections required to Data Services hrisdata@admin.ox.ac.uk. Include the person reference number, appointment ID and details of the change.

If you need help or advice please email us at hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk.

As the ‘HRINFO02_AthenaSWAN Potential Staff Data’ readiness report is only available until 31 July 2022 please review the Athena SWAN data and make corrections before this date (when the extract will be taken for the 2022 Tableau data refresh). Refer to the May 2022 bulletin for more details on how to prepare.

Request access to the Tableau staff data dashboards if you do not already have access and need it. Inform HR Systems Support hr.systems@admin.ox.ac.uk when you or colleagues no longer require access to the data.


As only complete and valid recruitment monitoring data is reported on, please clear validation errors highlighted red and amber from Step 1 and Step 2 of HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality reports periodically and before 31 August at the very latest.

Where vacancies resulted in an appointment being made, only closed vacancies with complete applicant status history (ie Applied; Shortlisted; Offer Made – Personnel; Offer Accepted – Personnel) are included. Therefore, any vacancies set to 'appointment made' where a mandatory stage of applicant status history is missing are not included.

The ‘Applicant Statuses’ item in section 4 of Manage recruitment statuses and events illustrates the mandatory applicant statuses in a table by recruitment stage. This may involve the need to add applicant status history data.

If you need assistance making data changes or running any of the above reports, please contact HR Systems Support hr.systems@admin.ox.ac.uk.

Contact the HR Analytics team on hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk if you have any queries relating to these reports; provide the Vacancy ID and where queries relate to adding a missing applicant status also supply the Applicant ID.

As part of the 2021/22 HESA staff return, Academic Teaching Qualifications need to be collected for any records for roles with a responsibility for teaching. The HR Analytics team will be in touch with departments where Academic Teaching Qualifications are missing by the end of June. To avoid us contacting you please add missing Academic Teaching Qualifications by Wednesday 22 June.


Click here for guidance on valid entries for the academic teaching qualifications.

For assistance with entering the academic teaching qualification refer to page 6 of the Add and manage personal details guide.

If you need help or advice please email hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk.

To meet our HESA requirements for 2021/22 all employee records should have a Highest Qualification Held record in the Qualification Details. The HR Analytics team will be in touch with departments where Highest Qualification Held is missing by the end of June 2022. (Highest Qualification Held is not to be confused with or combined with Academic Discipline). To avoid us contacting you please add missing Highest Qualification Held by Wednesday 22 June.

Click here for worked examples of how to correctly enter the highest qualification held.

For assistance with entering the highest qualification held refer to page 7 of the Add and manage personal details guide.

If you need help or advice please email hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk.

Reward updates

The Reward team does not grade any clinical posts, they simply authorise staff requests.

Departments should contact the Medical Sciences Division if they are unsure on which clinical research grade to raise a staff request. Academic clinical posts are authorised by the Senior Appointments team.

Remember that the Reward team will only set up the number of posts specified in the staff request. If a department asks for additional posts, but the original staff request asked for only one post, they will need to raise a new staff request for any additional posts.

We are pleased to share that a new Role Analyst will start in early July to cover the Medical Sciences, Humanities and GLAM Divisions. Further details will be shared when we welcome our new team member next month.

New/updated documents and reports

We are continually making updates and improvements to our guidance materials. Please always access guidance directly from our website, to ensure you have the most up to date version. If you spot an error or would like to request an update, please email hr.systems@admin.ox.ac.uk with the relevant details.

The following guides have recently been updated:

Guidance What’s changed
All recruitment guidance Reviewed and updated to remind users to update applicant statuses and close vacancies.

This month's deadlines

Monthly payroll dates are now available from the This month's Payroll deadlines webpage.

Please bookmark this page, which is updated monthly.