Previous employment guidance

Industry Category  Company Category Guidance on use
01 ANOTHER HEI IN UK Select relevant HEP from the list Employed at a UK Higher Education Provider (HEP) other than the University of Oxford. If selecting this option then also complete the Company Category. 
University of Buckingham should be coded here as code 01 even though it is a private university.
If the HEP is not in the Company Category list then contact us.
If employer was an Oxford College then selection option 35 OXFORD COLLEGE and complete Company Category.
Code undergraduate or postgraduate students as 07 STUDENT IN UK and leave Company Category blank.
Temporary agency work placements at a HEP should be coded as 12 PRIVATE INDUSTRY/COMMERCE IN UK.
02 HEI IN AN OVERSEAS COUNTRY Leave blank Employed at a Higher Education Provider outside the UK.
Code undergraduate or postgraduate students as 08 STUDENT IN AN OVERSEAS COUNTRY.
03 OTHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION IN UK Leave blank "Employed at a school or college in the UK.
Employed by a private university in UK including: BPP University, Regent's University London, the University of Law and Arden University.
University of Buckingham is a private university but should be coded as 01 ANOTHER HEI IN UK and Company Category completed."
04 OTHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION OVERSEAS   Leave blank  Employed at a school or college outside the UK.
07 STUDENT IN UK  Leave blank "Attending school, college or university as a student in the UK. Includes postgraduate students (i.e. Masters, PhD/DPhil). 
Do not complete Company Category."
08 STUDENT IN AN OVERSEAS COUNTRY Leave blank Attending school, college or University as a student outside the UK. Includes postgraduate students (i.e. Masters, PhD/DPhil).
09 NHS/GENERAL MEDICAL/DENTAL PRACTICE UK Leave blank "Employed within the NHS in the broadest sense. Includes NHS bodies e.g. Trusts, Primary Care Trust, general medical or general dental practice. General Practitioners (GPs) who consider themselves self-employed should still be on this 09 code.
Public Health England should be coded here to 09."
10 HEALTH SERVICE IN AN OVERSEAS COUNTRY   Employed in health services outside the UK, whether private or public.
11 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR IN UK   "Employed in a UK public sector body including ‘quangos’ or ‘arms-length bodies’.
Below are some examples:
• Local government and local councils
• Central government e.g. Ministerial departments, Civil Service, devolved administrations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
• Non-ministerial departments e.g. Forestry Commission, HM Revenue & Customs, Land Registry, The National Archives, OFGEM, OFQUAL
• Agencies, public bodies, public museums and collections e.g. Bank of England, British Council, British Library, British Museum, Crown Estate, Disclosure and Barring Service, DVLA, Environment Agency, Health Research Authority, HM Prison Service, Manchester Airport Group, National Gallery, National Museums, Natural England
• Public corporations e.g. BBC, Channel 4, Civil Aviation Authority, Pension Protection fund"
12 PRIVATE INDUSTRY/COMMERCE IN UK   "Employed in a private company, private sector in the UK. May often have 'Ltd' or 'Plc' in the company name. 
Temporary external agency work should be coded here.
Oxford University Press should be coded here."
13 SELF EMPLOYED IN UK   "Self-employed GPs working in NHS practices should be coded to 09 NHS/GENERAL MEDICAL/DENTAL PRACTICE UK.
Personal Service Companies other than GPs are coded here."
14 OTHER EMPLOYMENT IN UK   "Only use this for organisations that do not fit into the other groups. First check whether the organisation is a private sector company that should be coded as 12 PRIVATE INDUSTRY/COMMERCE IN UK.
This category includes employers where the organisation is part public and part private sector funded."
15 OTHER EMPLOYMENT IN AN OVERSEAS COUNTRY   Public and private sector organisations outside the UK that do not fit into any of the other groups. This category should include the self employed based overseas.
16 RESEARCH INSTITUTE (PRIVATE) IN THE UK   Any research institute that is not owned and funded by the UK government.
17 RESEARCH INST (PRIVATE) OVERSEAS COUNTRY   Any research institute that is not owned and funded by the government of an overseas country. Examples include: Max Plank Institutes
18 RESEARCH INSTITUTE (PUBLIC) IN THE UK   "Employed in a research institute owned by the UK government. See our searchable Employer Coding Guide.xlsx for full list.
Examples include: British Geological Survey, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Central Science Laboratory, Chilbolton Observatory, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Institute of Food Research, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Met Office, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Roslin Institute, Rothamsted Research, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
Public research councils (e.g. RCUK, NERC, BBSRC, etc.)
If you're unsure then contact us."
19 RESEARCH INST (PUBLIC) OVERSEAS COUNTRY   Research institutes that are owned by the government of a country outside the UK. If you're unsure then contact us.
21 NOT IN REGULAR EMPLOYMENT   "Longer than three months spent job seeking or on a career break.
Unpaid volunteering, unpaid internships and gap years should be coded here.
Temporary agency work should be coded as 12 PRIVATE INDUSTRY/COMMERCE IN UK."
22 WORKING IN THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR UK   "Employed (paid) at a registered charity or in the not-for profit sector e.g. non-government organisation (NGOs) based in the UK (or person is working in the UK branch).
Unpaid volunteering or internships should be coded as 21 NOT IN REGULAR EMPLOYMENT"
23 WORKING IN THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR OVERSEAS   "Employed (paid) at a charity or in the not-for profit sector e.g. non-government organisation (NGOs) based outside the UK.
Unpaid volunteering or internships should be coded as 21 NOT IN REGULAR EMPLOYMENT"
35 OXFORD COLLEGE Select relevant Oxford College "Employee at an Oxford College. Also complete Company Category.
Code undergraduate or postgraduate students at a College as 07 STUDENT IN UK and leave Company Category blank."
99 NOT KNOWN   "Only acceptable to select this code if you have no information from a CV and the person has left the University. 
In all other cases check the new starter form, CV, online recruitment module information, departmental web pages, or contact the employee directly to ask."