HRINFO01 Data quality validation reports

HRINFO01 Qualifications and Subjects - click here for details

HRINFO01 Data Validation - see details below

Additional guidance on clearing errors from your HRINFO01 Data Quality Validation report is given here, for each error message in the report.

Appointments checked

  • Employee appointments (not casual teaching nor casual worker i.e. Core Employee Status is Atypical)
  • Appointment active in the reporting year i.e. 1 August to the following 31 July

Data items checked

  • Staff classifications Category and Sub-category
  • Staff classifications related to some job titles
  • Employee Status
  • Target End Dates
  • Job text / job title (missing data, Departmental Lecturers)
  • Previous HEI Employment
  • Immediately Previous Employment (but note this code is buggy!)
  • NHS Contract Details UDF
  • Clinical Specialties UDF
  • Right to Work UDF

Don't forget to run the additional Data Quality report - HRINFO01 Qualifications & Subjects

 Where do these data rules come from?

  • How-To guides on Using HRIS
  • HESA - we interpret the HESA rules for you here