Staff Classifications

Staff classifications and the mapping between category and sub-category is described in the document: Staff Classification Guide. To help establish the correct staff classification for your post use the Staff classification tool

Staff requests

Staff classifications are assigned at the staff request stage of the appointment process - How-To guide - Create and approve Staff Requests. If basing a staff request on an existing post be aware that historical data anomalies are present in posts within PeopleXD - check that the staff classification is accurate and complies with the guide every time you raise a staff request. 

Check staff classification validity

Classification validity can be checked for permanent, fixed-term, open-ended and variable hours contract by running the HRINFO01_Data Quality Validation report monthly.

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If you notice an error in staff classification once an appointment has been activated in PeopleXD you should make changes to the classification 

Commenced appointments

Follow the How-To guide Track changes and correct records

Ended appointments

Email with the person reference number, appointment ID and correct staff classification information.

In some cases it can be difficult to determine if a role is undertaking academic research and should be assigned to a Category 2 'Research only' code. Some in-depth guidance to help you decide is available here. The advice from HESA is that research must be 'generating new knowledge'.

Advice from HESA is that teaching is 'imparting knowledge to students...staff must have responsibility for formal/summative assessment'.