The following guidance refers to all HR Systems training, including eLearning and classroom-based courses.
Booking procedure
• Unless advised otherwise, delegates should make their own bookings.
• Where applicable, delegates must ensure that they have attained any prerequisite knowledge and completed any pre-course activities as set out in the course description.
• At the time of booking, delegates must confirm that they agree to the terms and conditions.
• We reserve the right to cancel bookings if we feel the training would be inappropriate for you. In these cases, we will communicate with you / your line manager directly as appropriate.
• Some bookings will be closed a few days before the course starts (this will vary based on the course type), this is stated on the course description.
• For eLearning, you must book yourself on to the course first, it will then appear in the 'My e-Learning' tile on the Course Booking System.
• If you know in advance you cannot attend, please cancel your booking via the Course Booking System.
• In the unlikely event the training is cancelled, we will contact you via email and provide as much notice as possible.
• Training courses will start promptly at the start time given in your email confirmation.
• If you would like to purchase a drink or use the facilities before the course starts, then please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time.
• If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for the start of a course, the trainer has the right to turn you away. Late attendance disrupts the training course and you may miss important information, which you need to understand in order to participate in the rest of the course.
• If you know in advance that you will be slightly late for a training course, please advise the HRIS Training team. If on the day of a training course you are not feeling well, we would advise you not to attend the training. Please inform your line manager and contact the HRIS Training team as soon as possible on the day. Please note that it is at the discretion of the trainer to turn you away from a training course.
• Please let us know if you have special requirements in relating to access.
• Most HRIS courses take place at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road, however locations do vary so please do make careful note of the location of the course you are attending.
Refreshments and lunch
• There is a refreshment area close to the training rooms at IT Services (Banbury Road) where there are hot and cold drink and snack vending machines. Note: no eating or drinking is permitted in the training rooms at Banbury Road.
Personal belongings
• We cannot accept responsibility for any items lost or mislaid on University premises. Any items found in the course registration area or training rooms will be taken to lost property at Reception.
Completing eLearning
• We recommend that you find a suitable quiet environment with no distractions to complete each eLearner.
• A lot of them contain a consolidation exercise at the end, which is designed to bring together your learning from the module. We therefore recommend you take notes throughout.
• Some consolidation exercises will have a set pass mark (for example 80%) and / or a limit to the number of attempts (in most cases five). Full details are contained with each eLearner.