November 2022 bulletin

News and reminders

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The exceptional non-consolidated payment data for staff was shared with the nominated contacts for review (as requested via the online form that we had previously shared) on Wednesday 16 November. Should you require access to your department’s file, please liaise directly with your nominated contact (as listed in the PDF document shared in our 17 November email).

Please refer to our email for guidance and actions. The deadline to receive updates to this data is midday on Wednesday 30 November 2022. If an updated file is not returned by the deadline, we will assume that no changes are required, and payments will be based on the data provided.

We have updated the following document templates, which are available to download from PeopleXD: 

Document template Update

Academic related contract

Contract amendment - additional increment 

Contract amendment - change in hours 

Contract amendment - promotion to substantive grade 

Contract amendment - additional duties

Contract amendment - change in normal place of work 

Contract amendment - change in job title

Updated to reflect the recent revisions to the EJRA
Fixed-term contract extension letter Updated to reflect the recent revisions to the EJRA and notice period updated to reference Global Talent Visa expiry date
Offer letter Additional induction materials added


Following feedback from users, the HR Systems team is reviewing issues and guidance related to the HR Reporting tool, focusing on two areas:

  • How users access the system including the use of multiple passwords: HR Reporting, VPN and CONNECT accounts; and
  • The information and guidance set out in the Reports Library (with the view to streamline and simplify the report guidance and descriptions).

We will be reaching out to some users to get their input on specific issues that are being experienced. If you’d like to be involved, please email Chris Sanders.


We’re pleased to report that the online process for managing system access requests (via OSM) is working well. However, to avoid delays, please remember that all relevant training must be completed before requesting access to PeopleXD and/or HR Reporting. For further guidance, visit our Access and Training web pages.

Requests for system access will be rejected if the relevant training has not been completed, this includes the Individual User Agreement 'course' in CoSy.

HR Systems, including HR Systems Support, will be closed for the Christmas break from 16:00 on Wednesday 21 December 2022 until 08:30 on Tuesday 3 January 2023. This period includes the UAS fixed-closure dates.

Closing vacancies
To ensure that applicants have access to technical support should they need it, please try to avoid closing any vacancies for the period Thursday 22 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023 inclusive.

Staff requests 
If roles that do not need evaluation are submitted by the end of Friday 16 December they will be authorised before the Christmas closure. The evaluation of roles will end on Wednesday 21 December 2022 and will recommence on Tuesday 3 January 2023. 

Payroll corner

Payday in December is on Wednesday 21 December, which means that there will be an earlier Main payroll deadline, on Monday 5 December. 

The deadline for Casual Payroll is Thursday 1 December. The Payroll team will be working to tight deadlines, so will not be able to accommodate any late requests in December. Please input and approve as many changes as possible well before the deadline, to enable Payroll to complete their work on time. 

For further details of upcoming deadlines, please see this month's payroll deadlines.

Update from the HR Analytics team

Please run HRINFO data quality reports 01 – employees, 20 – casuals, 21 - recruitment at least monthly and clear any errors in a timely manner.

For guidance on making the indicated changes to clear the data anomalies highlighted red and amber in the report please refer to data quality in the first instance.

Report name

Action required

Required for

HRINFO01 Data Validation

in conjunction with

HRINFO01 Qualifications and Subjects

Clear validation errors for all employee appointments active for any period of time from 1 August until 31 July the following year.

HRINFO01 data quality validation report web page gives additional details about the report.

Prioritise the clearing of staff classification errors first.

Guidance can be found here:
Staff Classifications
Clearing data quality errors


Medical Schools Council Survey

Athena SWAN

Financial year end reporting

HRINFO20_Casual Worker Data Quality Validation

Clear validation errors for all casual worker and casual teaching appointments active for any period of time from 1 August until 31 July the following year.
HRINFO20 Casual worker data quality validation report gives additional details about the report. Prioritise the clearing of Staff Classifications errors first.


HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality 4 pageanated reports:
Step 1 Advertised Vacancy Validation
Step 2 Applicant Status Validation
Step 3 Non-Advertised Vacancy Validation
Applicant Data View and Export


Clear validation errors for all vacancies posted externally on or after 1 August.
For additional details about the report and guidance on closing vacancies and adding missing Applicant Status history please refer to HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality report.


Athena SWAN

Race Equality Charter

Contact the HR Analytics team on if you have any queries relating to these reports; give the Person Reference number, (and appointment ID if the individual is on more than one contract), for queries relating to appointment records; provide the Vacancy ID for queries relating to clearing errors from the HRINFO21 Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 reports; and Applicant ID for queries relating to adding a missing applicant status.

For technical help with the reports or entering the data into PeopleXD, contact HR Systems Support on

The Athena SWAN recruitment data Tableau dashboards have also been updated for 2021/22. These can be found at:

Thank you to those departments who made data updates and corrections to vacancies/applicants for vacancies posted externally on or since 1 August 2021. 

Where vacancies resulted in an appointment being made, only closed vacancies with complete applicant status history (i.e. Applied; Shortlisted; Offer Made – Personnel; Offer Accepted – Personnel) are included. Therefore, any vacancies set to 'appointment made' where a mandatory stage of applicant status history is missing are not included.
If you require access to the Athena SWAN data in Tableau please follow the user access process.  If you have Athena SWAN data queries please email

Please continue to run and clear errors from the 2021/22 version of the HRINFO21 report. (For tips on how to do this refer to the table in the data quality reports section.) This will increase the amount of data available for Athena Swan applications in Tableau, which will be refreshed early in 2023 for 2021/22, and improve University-wide recruitment monitoring data.

Reward updates

Some departments are submitting incomplete regrading applications. The staff request should be accompanied by:

  • an up-to-date job description;
  • a regrading form completed by the applicant, their line-manager, the Head of Administration and Finance; and 
  • an organisational diagram

The regrading cannot be evaluated unless the Head of Administration and Finance signs the form to say that the documents submitted, accurately reflect the role that has been submitted for regrading.

The 2022 national pay award for clinical consultants has been approved for implementation in the University. With effect from 1 April 2022 clinical consultant basic salaries will increase by 4.5%. There is no change to Clinical Excellence Awards, discretionary points, and distinction awards.

In June 2022, the University implemented a 2% increase to the basic salaries and pay premia for doctors in training, which was also effective from 1 April 2022.
The uplift was implemented in the November payroll and backdated to 1 April 2022. Updated clinical salary scales with effect from 1 April 2022 are now available to view at

New/updated documents and reports

The PERDEP91 Furlough Monitoring report will be retired from HR Reporting effective 1 December. Users will be able to run the report up until 30 November. 

This month's deadlines

Monthly payroll dates are now available from the This month's Payroll deadlines webpage.

Please bookmark this page, which is updated monthly.