Pay and costing reports2

Payroll costing data

These monthly reports provide payroll costing data, to assist departments with checking payroll data, headcount and assist with cost forecasting.


The reports are only available/distributed to nominated individuals. To request access - navigate to the 'HR Systems People Data Dashboards' Service Request via IT Self-Service, and complete the form as applicable.



Reporting tool: HR Reporting

Summary description

Provides historical pay costing data for an individual staff member

Why run this report? 

To view pay costing data from previous months, for an individual. 

When should you run this report? 

  • As and when required.
  • Before ending a casual appointment retrospectively, to check when they were last paid.

Further details*

Gender pay gap data

Departments and faculties may request and access a gender pay gap departmental report. The report covers staff pay data by gender, ordinary pay, bonus pay, and the calculated hourly rate.  

Please complete the request form here, and note that access will be restricted to staff who have a business need to review the data, and who have been approved by their divisional EDI coordinator. Once you have completed the request form you must share the link to the approval form with the designated approver to complete the approval process

 Please note that the HR Analytics team are unable to provide further local analysis or custom support with regards to this data set.


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