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To avoid issues, when emailing multiple applicants at the same time, please only send up to 25 emails at a time (ie emailing up to 25 applicants at a time).

All system emails are sent from a ‘no reply’ central account: HRIS.MAILRETURN@IT.OX.AC.UK. If applicants reply to the email, they will receive an automatic reply, which includes:

‘Please do not reply to this email, the mailbox it has been sent from is not monitored.’

Some email templates also have a prompt for departments to enter their own email address in the body text. You will need to update each email sent in that batch (please remember to 'Save' each email individually, before proceeding to the next one).

When generating applicant packs (ie creating one PDF document), please only select up to 50 applicants at a time, eg if you have 150 applicants, create three merged packs of 50 applicants in each one. You could then use specific software, eg Kofax Power PDF Advanced or Adobe Acrobat DC to convert the three PDF packs into one. 

NB The advert text is included in the application packs and may impact on the successful generation of the document. Please see item below.

The Job Description screen displays the character limit in percentages. Please ensure that in all cases your advert text does not exceed 500 words, as per the University's job advertising guidelines. Adhering to the word limit creates consistency across the University, compliance with many external job boards, and helps to avoid issues when generating merged application packs in the system. 

If you need your vacancy URL link, in order to post on another site or to share in an email, simply open your live vacancy on the Jobs website and copy the full link (which should end with the number of your vacancy ID), eg:

vacancy url link  end with vacancy id

Please pay close attention to the 'Current Questions' menu to see which questions are included and in which order, as you cannot preview this screen.

You should see a notification each time a document is created in the system, eg University Card form. However, these can be slow to appear, and we suggest you go to the 'Download Centre' and refresh your screen until your document appears.

Occasionally candidates may request for their application to be reinstated after they have already submitted it, but this is not possible to do in the system. Please follow your usual processes in case this arises, or contact HR Systems Support for guidance.

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