Request access to Tableau with Service Request

Julie test

Tableau is a reporting software that enables University staff to access people reports/data, in a more visual and interactive way, often presented as dashboards. This information can be downloaded in various formats for further data manipulation or analysis.

Users of the University's HR System, PeopleXD (or HR Reporting tool), are automatically assigned access to Tableau and the relevant dashboards for high-level recruitment and staff data.

Various staff groups may need/wish to access other data available in Tableau; the details of which are outlined below. If you require access to any of the dashboards/reports below, please follow the instructions below beneath each heading of interest.

Before requesting access, every Tableau user must complete:

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Tableau hosts recruitment and staff overview datasets in the format of dashboards, specifically designed to support Athena SWAN applications.

How to request access:

1. Complete the User Access Form Athena SWAN

2. Send your completed form to your HR Systems Guardian for approval

3. Your HR Systems Guardian should email the form to HR Systems

4. HR Systems process access request and provide login details directly to the user.

These monthly reports provide payroll costing data, to assist departments with checking payroll data, headcount and assist with cost forecasting. Find out more at: Using the payroll costing report | HR Systems (

How to request access:
  1. HR Systems Guardian to email request details (normally two nominees per department) to HR Systems Support.
  2. HR Systems process access request and provide login details directly to the user.

Individual dashboards which contain visual datasets:

Resourcing Dashboard

High-level staff and recruitment activity, including turnover and recruitment campaigns across the University, which can be filtered by division and department.  

Staff Diversity Overview Dashboard

High-level staff diversity data, including record completion and benchmark comparisons.


How to request access:
  1. HR Systems Guardian to email request details to HR Systems Support.
  2. HR Systems process access request and provide login details directly to the user.