June 2023 bulletin

July Main Payroll deadline – Monday 10th

Visit the Payroll deadlines and cycles page for information about the monthly payroll cycle, including the monthly key payroll dates for People Management users.

Details of upcoming Main, Supplementary and Casual payroll deadlines can be found on the Payroll website


News and updates

We’re excited to announce that we have provided all users of Recruitment and People Management with access to Tableau Server (a data visualisation tool), which hosts our newly created Resourcing Dashboards.

The dashboards give a visual overview of data relating to staff turnover and recruitment activity across the University, with the ability to filter on a range of values such as Division, Department, Staff Group, and Contract Type. The inclusion of benchmarking data from comparator organisations provides an additional level of insight. Data is refreshed monthly. The dashboards can be exported to Excel, PowerPoint or PDF for onward inclusion in reports and presentations.

Log in via: Tableau Server (ox.ac.uk) (VPN and SSO required). Guidance on how to view and export the data is available in our Tableau How-To Guide.

All new users of PeopleXD Recruitment and People Management will now be given access to Tableau for this purpose (with instructions for access included in our new user welcome email).

We plan to expand our provision of this kind of data, and will soon be adding a suite of diversity dashboards that provide an overview of the profile of the University’s workforce.

If you have any questions about this new provision, please email hr.reporting@admin.ox.ac.uk

We would like to advise departments that the process for setting up student ambassadors in PeopleXD is changing. From 1 July 2023 all casual student ambassadors will need to be set up using the new post CASAMB. The process is similar to appointing to CASUAL post.

The Casual scenario factsheet and People Profile Matrix have been updated and will be published at the time of go-live.

HR support webpages have also been updated to include information about casual student ambassadors.

From week commencing 26 June 2023, there will be a change to two Staff Request position types. The changes are as a result of the findings of the Triage process, which was a key action stemming from the Grading Service Review.

1.    We are retiring 'Position Type' - 'New post – Generic (amended)'

Changes to generic JDs were found to be insubstantial to the grade. Therefore, where the department judge a job description to match a generic from the approved list, you should select the position type 'New post – Generic'. This will no longer require a check from a grading analyst . 

2.    There will be a new 'Position Type' - 'New post – Existing JD'

The new position type intends to clearly indicate that a job is based on an existing JD, regardless of which department this was in. This position type will not require a check from a grading analyst.

Important and regular reminders

We would like to remind you that the report ‘PERDEP50 Casual worker last period paid’ is now available in HR Reporting. This report will help to determine the correct end dates to record when ending a casual appointment. Using an incorrect end date can have a negative impact on the HESA return and payroll processes.

Before running the report, please read the full description on the HR Reporting library webpage. For guidance on using HR Reporting please refer to the HR Reporting How-to guide.


The ‘To Date’ should be left blank in the Previous HEI Employment UDF, as set out in section 4 of scenariofactsheet-newstarterudfspdf (ox.ac.uk). Only enter a date if ending this UDF to add a new one, for a new role. 

By Friday 30 June...

Add missing Academic Teaching Qualifications

Academic Teaching Qualifications need to be collected for any roles with a responsibility for teaching, ie where the Category is either: ‘1 - Teaching only’ or ‘3 - Teaching and Research’

See Academic teaching qualifications and Add and manage personal details (page 6).

Add missing Highest Qualification Held

All employees need a Highest Qualification Held record in the Qualification Details. Run the HRINFO01 Qualifications and Subjects report and clear any ‘Highest Qualification Held is missing’ errors.

See Highest Qualification Held and Add and manage personal details (page 7)

By Friday 21 July 2023…

Correct Staff Classification errors

Staff Classification is used to identify different staff groups and job roles for internal reporting and HESA. University-wide there are currently 136 known staff classification errors.

See Staff classification scheme and Staff Classification Guide. Refer to this webpage for help in deciding if a role is undertaking academic research.

To make corrections, follow How-To guide: Track changes and correct records. For ended appointments: send the corrections required to Data Services hrisdata@admin.ox.ac.uk.

By Monday 31 July 2023…

The HRINFO02_AthenaSWAN Potential Staff Data readiness report is only available until 31 July 2023. Please review the Athena Swan data and make corrections before this date when the extract is to be taken for the 2023 Tableau data refresh. Please refer to the May 2023 bulletin for more details on how to prepare.

For help with any data errors or queries, please email hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk.

Reward update

The pay award for 2023/24 was at least 5% for all staff. This was paid in two parts. The first part of the 2023 national pay award was paid in April 2023 and backdated to 1 February 2023.

The remainder of the uplift will take effect from 1 August. The revised salary and grading structure is now available, and adverts should display the new rates with immediate effect. Please check the Pay Award website for guidance, academic staff, off scale grades, and allowances.

Updated documents and reports

The calculation which looks for “Employee Status Errors” in the HRINFO01 Data Validation report has been updated to reflect the current rules on the use of open-ended externally funded contracts (and which can now also be used for support staff).

The current PDF Staff Request and Contract Decision matrix has been simplified and placed into a new Excel format, as an interactive tool. The new tool will be published in the w/c 26 June 2023. We hope that you will find this new tool more user-friendly and easier to use.