The HR Analytics team have now released the 2021-22 version of all the HRINFO data quality reports 01 – employees, 20 – casuals, 21 - recruitment. Please run this suite of reports at least monthly and clear any errors.
If we contact you concerning errors that need to be cleared from 2020-21 data quality report please ensure you run the earlier version of the report as soon as possible while they are still shared with you.
Report name |
Action required |
Required for |
HRINFO01- Staff Validation
in conjunction with
HRINFO01 Data Validation – Quals & subjects |
Clear validation errors for all employee appointments active for any period of time from 1 August until 31 July the following year.
HRINFO01 data quality validation report web page gives additional details about the report.
Prioritise the clearing of staff classification errors first.
Guidance can be found here:
Staff Classifications
Clearing data quality errors |
Medical Schools Council Survey
Athena SWAN
Financial year end reporting |
HRINFO20_Casual Worker Data Quality Validation |
Clear validation errors for all casual worker and casual teaching appointments active for any period of time from 1 August until 31 July the following year.
HRINFO20 Casual worker data quality validation report gives additional details about the report. Prioritise the clearing of Staff Classifications errors first.
Please note that the error messages relating to FTE Hours can be ignored.
HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality four paginated reports:
Step 1 Advertised Vacancy Validation
Step 2 Applicant Status Validation
Step 3 Non-Advertised Vacancy Validation
Applicant Data View and Export
Clear validation errors for all vacancies posted externally on or after 1 August.
For additional details about the report and guidance on closing vacancies and adding missing Applicant Status history please refer to HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality report.
Athena SWAN
Race Equality Charter |
For guidance on making the indicated changes to clear the data anomalies highlighted red and amber in the report, please refer to data quality in the first instance.
If you need assistance making data changes or running any of the above reports contact HR Systems Support.
Contact the HR Analytics team if you have any queries relating to these reports. Give the Person Reference number, (and appointment ID if the individual is on more than one contract). For queries relating to appointment records; provide the Vacancy ID for queries relating to clearing errors from the HRINFO21 Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 reports; and Applicant ID for queries relating to adding a missing applicant status.