End a casual appointment

3. Ending appointments

Warning: Read the guidance below before ending a casual appointment


When to end casual appointments

End casual appointments during the payroll inputting period for the month of the worker's final payment. This is the period that falls immediately after the 'no user input' days and the casual payroll deadline.

Example: If a casual worker leaves on 15 June and their final payment is due to be made at the end of July, end their appointment in time for the July casual payroll deadline. Do not end their appointment before the payroll month of their last payment.

Note: This guidance applies only to casual staff. For variable hours employees, please refer to the relevant guidance.

To ensure casual staff receive a payslip in the month they last worked (usually the month before their final payment), it may be necessary to complete an 'Online Payslip Exception' UDF. This is typically needed if access to HR Self-Service will end before that month's payment date, due to the deactivation of their University card and SSO.

When this UDF is needed: Complete the UDF if the casual worker:

  • Has no other active University appointments continuing past their end date in your department (you may need to check this with the worker directly), and/or
  • Will have their University card and SSO deactivated shortly after their leaving date.

When to complete the UDF: Submit the 'Online Payslip Exception' UDF by the Supplementary Payroll deadline in the worker's leaving month (ie the same month as their last working date), to instruct Payroll to issue a hard copy payslip. 

Note: The final payslip and P45 are always issued as hard copies for all staff.

Do not use:  'Process As Leaver' or 'End All Contracts'. 

Follow the guidance below to always end appointments individually.


Navigation: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View > Contracts

  1. Click into the Appointment selection menu to ensure the correct appointment is highlighted.  
  2. Use the ellipsis menu to select 'End Contract'.
  3. The 'End Appointment' will open. Enter/select details in the 'Leaving Detail' section, as follows:

Field Name

(* mandatory)


Leaving Date *

Enter the Sunday's date at the end of their final working week and take into account the guidance above.  For example, if their final working day was Monday 15 July, their final pay should be received at the end of August and the leaving date recorded will be Sunday 21 July. 

End all contracts Do not use.

Leaving Code*

Select ‘Casual appointment end’

Leaving destination*

Select ‘Not applicable/not required’

Location after leaving*

Select ‘UK (not otherwise specified)’ OR

‘N/A Continuing as University Employee’ as applicable


Include the actual end date (last day worked), if applicable.


  1. Click SAVE to end the Appointment.
  • If the end date is in the future, the contract Status will show as 'Ending' and will update to 'Ended' on the last day.
  • To view the leaving details entered, click on the ellipsis and select 'Leaving Summary'

Note: The employee status remains ‘Active’ until the monthly payroll runs.

When ending historical casual appointments, it is essential that you:

  • Run the PERDEP50 casual worker last period paid report to check when the staff member was last paid.
  • Enter a leaving date within the financial year (1 August – 31 July) when they were last paid. For example, if their last payment date was in July 2023, the leaving date must be between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.
  • Do not process appointments with a leaving date over five tax years from the start of the current tax year (6 April) without consulting your Payroll officer first.

Failure to follow this guidance may lead to HESA data return errors and HMRC RTI/payroll issues.