End a casual appointment

3. Ending appointments

Warning: Read the guidance below before ending a casual appointment


When to end a casual appointment

Casual appointments should be ended in the payroll period of their last payment. For example, a casual worker with a leaving date of 15 July, being paid at the end of August, should be processed as a leaver by the August casual payroll deadline.

Follow the End appointment(s) guide for system steps on how to end appointments in People Management, noting the below differences:


Field Name

(* mandatory)


Leaving Date *

Enter the Sunday's date at the end of their final working week and take into account the guidance above.  For example, if their final working day was Monday 15 July, their final pay should be received at the end of August and the leaving date recorded will be Sunday 21 July. 

Leaving reason*

Select ‘Casual appointment end’

Leaving destination*

Select ‘Not applicable/not required’

Location after leaving*

Select ‘UK (not otherwise specified)’ OR

‘N/A Continuing as University Employee’ as applicable


Include the actual end date (last day worked), if applicable.

When ending historical casual appointments, it is essential that you:

  • Run the PERDEP50 casual worker last period paid report to check when the staff member was last paid.
  • Use a leaving date that is within the financial year (ie 1 August – 31 July) within which they were last paid. For example, if their last payment date was in July 2022, their leaving date must be between 1 August 2021 and 31 July 2022.
  • Do not process any appointments with a leaving date that is more than five tax years in the past, from the start of the current tax year (ie 6 April), without seeking advice from your Payroll officer, first.

Failure to follow this guidance may result in HESA data return errors and HMRC RTI/payroll issues.