Personnel reports - monthly reports

Summary description

This group of reports covers changes made to person, appointment, and pay-related details, including leavers, as well as updates made by staff in Employee Self-Service (ESS), including Onboarding data collection. 

Why should you run these reports?

  • To check all new data or changes processed in PeopleXD with an effective date that falls within the date range selected.
  • To check updates made by staff in ESS, that fall within the date range selected (based on audit date). This excludes changes made to diversity data (excepting date of birth and legal sex).

When should you run these reports?

Before payroll cut-off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.

Why should you monitor changes in ESS?

As staff can make updates to data that may have an impact on data quality and some key processes, it is important that these changes are monitored. For example:

  • Address changes: staff could either delete or enter incomplete address details. This should be monitored to ensure address completeness and accuracy. History of address updates may also be required by the Home Office for visa holders. To comply with HMRC rules, UK post codes must be split into both, the 'Post Code Prefix' and the 'Post Code Suffix' fields, eg Prefix: OX1 Suffix: 1XO. Please correct this where it has been entered into a single field.
  • Date of birth and legal sex: ESS does not prohibit staff from amending this information, but they are advised not to update these fields. Where these fields have been updated, contact the individual to verify and document the changes accordingly and remind them not to update this information in ESS themselves.

Hints & tips

  • Results: Data extracted from PeopleXD, input by HR Administrators: These reports run based on effective dates, so it will show you the changes that took effect during a period you specify regardless of when they were entered into the system. See also PERDEP21_Monthly Data Input Check which reports on input dates.

    Data extracted from Employee Self-Service: This report runs based on audit/input dates, and will show you all the changes that were made by staff in ESS within the date range selected.

  • Running: The Person Changes and the Changes made in ESS reports use different filters to the other reports in this folder.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Period Start Date


Changes from this point in time (see description above)

Period End Date


Changes to this point in time (see description above)

Department code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.

Department description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Employee status


The default is 'PERMANENT', 'OPEN ENDED EXTERNALLY FUNDED', 'FIXED TERM', 'WORKER' and 'SELF FINANCING. Select from the dropdown the specific status(es) or remove the default list to bring back all records (this will include non-employees).
This does not apply to reporting on changes made in Employee Self-Service.

Reason code description/ Change reason/ Salary change reason N Select a specific Reason code description (eg Maternity leave start), if required.

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Person Changes

This report returns data extracted from PeopleXD (to check the data entered/changed by HR Administrators).
Changes to contact details, dates, and other ‘person’-related details such as bank account, next of kin etc. Note that if you run this report without a department selected you may see employees who previously worked for your department, but have since transferred. To avoid this, select your department code in the relevant filter.

Changes made in Employee Self-Service (ESS)

This returns data extracted from ESS, including Onboarding, to check the data entered/changed directly by staff. This includes personal contact details, emergency contact(s) (ie next of kin), date of birth and legal sex.

New Starters

Includes all new starters where the reason code indicates they have joined (or re-joined) the University.

Appointment Changes

Changes to appointment – change of hours, pay etc. Does not include new starters as these are found in the New Starters report. Includes Page Items to allow filter by Reason Code Description.

Ended Appointments

Details of ended appointments within your department, eg where they have ended one of several appointments or the appointment has been manually ended to resolve an issue.

Approved Salary Changes

Shows details of any approved salary changes, including who did the approval. RED indicates not approved by department. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT indicates not yet approved by Payroll. Incudes Right to Work details.

Approved Allowance Changes

Shows details of any approved allowances during the period. Includes Right to Work details.

Cost Allocation Changes

Changes to cost allocations (funding).


Details of individuals who have left the University during the period. Includes filter for Leaving Code Description. Includes Right to Work details.


Summary description

This group of reports covers any new records keyed or updates made to person details, appointments, salaries, and any leavers processed. It is designed for use on screen, for export to spreadsheet, or for printing. The reports return all data with an effective date that falls within the date range selected (with the exception of person changes which are based on audit date).

Why run reports in this folder?

To check all new data or changes with an effective date that falls within the date range selected.

When should you run these reports?

Recommended to be run before payroll cut-off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.

Hints & tips

  • Results: These reports run based on effective dates, so they will show you the changes that took effect during a period you specify regardless of when they were entered into the system.
  • Running: The Person Changes report uses different filters to the other reports. 
  • Filters: Some reports include a Page Items button to allow you to further filter results.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Period Start Date


Changes from this point in time (effective date)

Period End Date


Changes to this point in time (effective date)

Department Code


If you have access to more than one department, but wish to report on only one, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Person Changes

Changes to contact details, dates, and other ‘person’ related details such as bank account, next of kin etc. Note that if you run this report without a department selected you may see employees who previously worked for your department, but have since transferred. To avoid this, select your department code in the relevant filter.

New Starters

Includes all new starters where the reason code indicates they have joined (or re-joined) the University.

Appointment Changes

Changes to appointment – change of hours, pay etc. Does not include new starters as these are found in the New Starters report. 

Ended Appointments

Details of ended appointments within your department, eg where they have ended one of several appointments or the individual has transferred from appointment to another. Please note this does not include leavers of the University.

Approved Salary Changes

Shows details of any approved salary changes, including who did the approval. RED indicates not approved by department. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT indicates not yet approved by Payroll.


Details of individuals who have left the University during the period. Includes filter for Leaving Code Description.


Summary description

This group of reports shows all appointment data (new and updated) that requires approval. It returns data with an input date that falls within the date range selected. These reports are designed for use on screen, for export to Excel, or for printing.

Why run reports in this folder?

To review appointment data that has been input during a period of time (eg the current payroll period) to ensure data is correct and to identify any anomalies.

When should you run these reports?

It is recommended that this report is run before payroll cut off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.

Hints & tips

  • Results: These reports run based on input dates, so it will show you the new appointments and appointment changes that were input during the period you specify, regardless of when they are effective. See also PERDEP20_ Monthly Personnel Changes_Casuals only which reports on effective dates.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.





Input Start Period


Changes from this point in time (input date)


Input End Period


Changes to this point in time (input date)


Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.


Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.


Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.


Employee Status


The default is 'PERMANENT', 'OPEN ENDED EXTERNALLY FUNDED', 'FIXED TERM', 'WORKER' and 'SELF FINANCING. Select specific status(es) or remove the default list to bring back all records (this will include non-employees).


Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.




Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.


Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

New and Changed Appointments

Sorted by type: new starters/new and changed appointments (with colour coding for clarity). Shows data for all appointments.

New and Changed Appointments (with clinical)

As above, but including the fields for clinical appointments (whether they are populated or not). Useful for departments with clinical appointments.

Ended Appointments

Sorted by Ended Type - details of ended appointments within your department, eg where they have ended one of several appointments or the appointment has been manually ended to resolve an issue.


Details of individuals who have left the department and the University.

Cost Allocation Sorted by Surname then Forename.  Changes made to the cost allocation for an appointment i.e. where the employee's pay is costed to.


Summary description

This report enables you to check which staff in your department are set to receive online-only payslips & P60s. You can also view details of Payslip Exceptions UDFs completed for any exceptions.

Why run this report?

  • To check that employees in your department are set to receive online-only payslips & P60s;
  • To check that any approved exceptions or other relevant staff (e.g. casuals) are set to
  • receive paper payslips & P60s;
  • To view the details of any Payslip Exceptions UDFs completed for staff in your department; and
  • To view the Payslip Address Indicator setting for staff in your department who are set to receive paper payslips.

When should you run this report?

You should run this report whenever you need to check information relating to online payslips for staff in your department.

Hints & tips

  • All employees should be set to receive online-only payslips except for approved exceptions, who should also have a Payslip Exceptions UDF.
  • Casual workers and other staff not classed as University employees should be set to receive paper payslips.
  • The report provides some personal and appointment details, Payslip Exception UDF details (where this has been completed), and indicators from the Pay module.
  • The Print P60 and Print Payslip Indicators show whether the staff member is set to receive printed P60s and payslips (Y or N).
  • The Payslip Address Indicator shows where the printed payslip is set to be sent (work, home or custom payslip location). This column can be ignored for staff receiving online-only payslips & P60s.

Available parameters

Parameter Mandatory? Notes
Department code N If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, enter/select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.
Department N As above, enter/select the department name if required.
Employee status N Default excludes casuals and non-employees. Use the torch to select specific statuses.

Details of tab

Tab Details Notes
1 Payslip Exceptions The report provides some personal and appointment details, details of the Payslip Exceptions UDF (where completed), and the Print P60, Print Payslip and Payslip Address Indicators.