Close a vacancy

All vacancies must be closed, either at the end of the recruitment exercise, when the successful individual has been appointed in People Management or if the vacancy record is no longer needed. Please note you can re-open the vacancy if required.

Vacancy and applicant data is essential for equality & diversity reporting, including Athena Swan. Leaving vacancies open will impact reporting and affect the speed and performance of PeopleXD.

Applicant statuses must be kept up to date throughout the selection process. The requirement to use Mandatory statuses is crucial for Equality and Diversity monitoring, recruitment reporting, and to enable communications with applicants.  For guidance on adding the latest or any missing applicant statuses, refer to Applicant Status guidance.

For vacancies requiring a Skilled Worker/Tier 2 visa, the Home Office requires you to keep a copy of all applications shortlisted for final interview, in the medium in which they were received. The following steps have been confirmed to meet this requirement:

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Recruitment > Vacancies

  1. Search for your vacancy, click ACTIONS and select View Applicants.
  2. In the Applicant details screen, click ACTIONS and select Generate Applications.
  3. Select the applications that were shortlisted for that vacancy by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the applicant’s name. 
  4. Click ACTIONS and then select Merge Applications. This will overwrite existing merged pack.
  5. A notification should appear at the top of the screen to confirm the job has been submitted.
  6. Once the merged document is ready, you will receive an email notification.
  7. Click the View Merged Applications button.
  8. If the merge has been successful, the online PDF version will open in another window. You may be required to show you ‘trust the document source’ in order to open it.


Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Recruitment > Vacancies 

  1. Search for your vacancy, click ACTIONS and select Edit Vacancy.
  2. Complete the fields as instructed below:
Field name (*mandatory) Description
Status* Select the appropriate vacancy status eg. Appointment Made or No Appointment Made. For guidance refer to the 'Stage in process' section of the Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events guide.
Currently* Select Closed
Closing Date* Enter today’s date.


  1. Click Save.

If the recruitment exercise was not successful and/or for all other scenarios, please refer to the Manage unplanned recruitment events guide

Accurate recruitment data is required for University-wide recruitment monitoring and for Athena Swan applications. Running the HRINFO21 Vacancy and applicant data quality report regularly will ensure you are recording correct applicant and vacancy statuses.