How to record and manage funding (cost allocations and source of funding)

Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View > Cost Allocations

Where no other existing cost allocations exist, proceed to add a new one, following the steps below. If a cost allocation entry already exists, go to step 1.b  below to end date the existing cost allocation/s first, then proceed to add a new entry, following the step below.

  1. Before proceeding, check the correct appointment is selected (where applicable).
  2. Click ADD to open the Cost Allocation screen.
  3. Enter the Start and End date; click ADD for the cost allocation fields to appear. Complete details as below for the new allocation:
Field name Instruction
Start Date *

Enter the start date for the new cost allocation.

NB: This must be the day after the end date of the previous cost allocation if replacing existing funding.

End Date * Enter the end date, if known. Otherwise, leave blank. 
Cost Centre

(For each line entered) 

Project-funded salaries: Select or enter ‘CCPROJ’. 

GL cost centre-funded salaries: Input the relevant GL code in the format AA999999999 (where AA is the two-digit department code). Type the first two characters of your default GL coding to find it in the list. See row 1 in example below. 

Project Code *

(For each line entered) 

If you have entered a GL code, leave this field blank.

Project-funded salaries: Select the relevant Project Code in the format AAXXXXXX.0000 (where AA is the two-digit department code). Type the first few characters of your code to find it. Ensure the correct code is selected. See row 2 in example below.

Expense Do not use

Enter %, eg 100, 50.

Note: this may be split across multiple Cost Centres. The total allocation must add up to 100%.


  1. To add additional rows click ADD again, and complete the information, as per the above.
  2. Click SAVE. 


  • If you have entered a GL code in the cost allocation screen it should look like row 1.
  • If you have entered a project code in the cost allocation screen, it should look like row 2.

Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View > Cost Allocations
  1. Click on the ellipsis and select EDIT 
  2. Add/amend the End Date
  3. Click SAVE.

NB The end date must be the day before the new allocation is to start, with no gaps.


Note 1: If a new appointment is requested via a Staff Request, any cost allocation details from it may transfer to the appointment. Also, the cost allocation Start Date will default to the Planned Start Date from the Staff Request. If this differs from the appointment start date, you must edit the cost allocation to match the appointment start date in Contracts

Note 2: If a salary was incorrectly charged, such as in the last payroll month, a retrospective amendment must be processed by your local Finance team in 'Oracle Financials'. Any new cost allocations recorded in PeopleXD will take effect from the next payroll run.

  1. Locate the cost allocation you need to amend.
  2. Click on the ellipsis and select EDIT.
  3. Amend details as needed using guidance in Step 1.a above.

Warning: Do not delete the current (or any previous) cost allocations that has been used, ie the individual has been paid against this cost allocation.

If the cost centre code does not reflect source of funds, provide additional information to define the HESA source of funds. For example, a suspense code is being used whilst awaiting a ‘true’ cost centre to be set up, or a GL code is being used for externally funded appointments. 

Record details in the 'Source of Funding' UDF.



For new starter records, follow the below next steps as applicable:

  1. If relevant, proceed to add an allowance
  2. For participating departments only: record Workforce Management details
  3. Where applicable, record probation/ Initial Period of Office (IPO)
  4. If none of the above apply, proceed to record all required new starter UDFs

Useful Reports

To help track funding end dates don’t forget to regularly run PERDEP02_FTC and Funding End Dates report.