People Management: managing new starters, changes and leavers

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Two eLearners available to be completed as and when required to support personnel administrators. 

Up to half a day to complete both courses.

A brief summary of each People Management eLearner is listed below:

Appointing - new starters and new appointments
System overview of how to appoint all existing staff into new appointments, including adding new records for those individuals who are new to the University, or rehires.

Ending appointments
End appointments in PeopleXD, including when someone is leaving one appointment of many held, or leaving the University.

Click on the links below to book your eLearners through the University's course booking system, CoSy. 

  1. Appointing - new starters and new appointments
  2. Ending appointments

Once you have booked your training, you can find and complete the training from the My eLearning tile from CoSy dashboard

Visit User Support and Guides to access guidance documents designed to support your everyday use of PeopleXD.