Add and manage personal details


  1. After committing to an action, such as clicking SAVE, a green success message appears, wait for the dark green line to fill, before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses = ‘three dots’, usually at the end of a row. 

Some details will have been populated as part of Onboarding, the appointing wizard and/or application form, however, they must be checked for payroll, HMRC and HESA purposes.


Encourage staff to update their personal details via HR Self-Service, where possible.



Some details provided by the new starter via Onboarding in HR Self-Service will automatically sync to their People Management record. The rest needs to be extracted and entered manually, by HR, to ensure record completeness.

Items updated automatically on the staff record once the task has been completed by the individual:

  • Home address
  • Emergency contact details
  • Previous UK university employment
  • Academic discipline being taught and/or researched
  • Bank details
  • Diversity details

Items that need to be extracted and entered manually by HR (ie will not auto-flow into People Management):

All staff:

Role dependent:

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View > Key Information

Note: The personal details screen mirrors the individual’s ESS view, using 'first-person' labels such as ‘My Address details’ to refer to the individual.

Review the details under 'General'. Check these are correct/complete and update as required. Ensure all fields are completed. 

Field name (*mandatory) Instructions
Forename * Check/enter first name in full, eg Robert not Bob. Check title case and spelling.
Known As *

First name only. Extract and enter the individual’s preferred name once it's been completed in Onboarding, where applicable.

This is used for correspondence. Check title case and spelling. 

Initials Enter/check initials for forename and middle names only. At appointing, the system defaults these to forename and surname; amend if needed.
NI number *

Enter the National Insurance number as soon as it is available as this is needed for USS pension enrolement (should be completed via 'Onboarding' in HR Self-Service).

If you receive a warning message that this is a duplicate, contact HR Systems Support.

Date of Birth* Check/enter date of birth if missing or incorrect.
Sex* Select Male or Female to match Legal sex as recorded on current official documentation, eg passport or Gender Recognition Certificate 
Previous surname If an employee changes surname during employment, enter the previous surname here.


Click SAVE

The address details will be updated automatically on the staff record once the Onboarding checklist has been completed by the individual.

Address types definitions

See definitions and guidance on the three address types used at the University in the table below, there are other address types listed in the field, but they are not used at Oxford. 

Address type Guidance

This is assigned when the individual’s record is created (populated from appointing wizard).

NB DO NOT add a new DEFAULT address (only make corrections, eg mistake on application form).


Main residential address for correspondence and HMRC purposes. If an individual moves address during employment add a new ‘Home Address’.

NB This address type should be the individual’s main residential address for correspondence and is necessary for HMRC purposes. 

All addresses must cover at least two lines and the Post Code must be separated into two fields; it may transfer from Recruitment under one field, which would need to be corrected.


Record this address for those in receipt of paper payslips only, and where these must be sent to an address other than the Location recorded on the substantive appointment. Ensure you have recorded payslip exception UDF following the Capture online payslip exception data guidance.

NB If an employee is working overseas, it is essential that their overseas address is added with the address type Label Address (payslip). Payroll must be informed.


Add/edit an address

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Personnel Profile.
  3. This will open the Personnel Information screen on Employee Detail > Contact Details.
    1. To make a correction to an address, select the ellipsis and click Edit Address Details or
    2. To add a new address click ADD to open the Add Address screen
  4. The Edit Address or Add Address screen will open.
  5. Check and complete the following details: 
Field name (*mandatory) Instructions
Address Type* 

Select/check the relevant type from the drop-down.

NB NEVER ADD a new DEFAULT address (only make corrections eg mistake on application form)

See table above for guidance.

Date effective* Select from the calendar or enter (DD-MM-YY) the appointment start date or the effective date of the additional address (eg when individual has moved address).

Start to enter the country and then select from the filtered drop-down list.

NB: Once the country has been selected the following fields will appear.

Address Lines 1 to 5*

Select/check full address details.

NB: All addresses must cover at least two lines.

Post Code prefix and Suffix*

Select/check details are across both fields in alpha numeric format eg AA1 1AA.

NB: the Post Code must be separated into two fields, it may transfer from Recruitment under one field, which would need to be corrected.


  1. Click SAVE. You’ll be back on the Personnel Information screen.
  2. If you need to add further addresses, repeat the steps above.


Follow this guidance to add new or replace existing contact details.

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Personnel Profile. 
  3. This will open the Personnel Information screen on Employee Detail > Contact Details. 
  4. A list of all contact types can be found under Contact Details. Use the scroll bar to navigate this list.

Note * The SSO, University card details and work email address will automatically populate once these have been generated (off-system process). Do not add or amend these details.

  1. To record / replace additional contact details, eg mobile phone number, locate the row of details you wish to update. 
  2. Click the ellipsis at the end of the row and select Edit.  
  3. A pop-up box will appear, enter the relevant details (or replace existing details where this is a change) and click OK

Note * It is important to:

  • not enter multiple entries into a field. Instead you must use the "Alternative" options eg for emails and phone numbers.
  • ensure the correct details are entered into the corresponding field, eg do not enter an email address into a telephone type field, as other systems using this data can be impacted.

This Item will be updated automatically on the staff record once the Onboarding checklist has been completed by the individual (applies to appointments from 1 November 2023)  .

Follow this guidance to add new or replace existing emergency contact details.

Navigation: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Personnel Profile. 
  3. From the Personnel Profile screen, under Employee Detail, select Emergency Contact.
  4. Enter or replace existing emergency contact information.
  5. Add / replace / delete comments, if applicable, or use this field to add details of further emergency contacts.
  6. To add or replace the primary emergency contact’s address, click the ellipsis under Address, select Edit Address Details. Enter address details. 
  7. Click SAVE

This Item will be updated automatically on the staff record once the Onboarding checklist has been completed by the individual

Follow this guidance to add new or replace existing bank details.

Navigation: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Personnel Profile
  3. From the Personnel Information screen, under Employee Detail, select Bank Details.
  4. Click UPDATE to add / replace bank details for the individual. This will open a new screen.
  5. Ensure ‘Pay Method’ is BACS.
  6. Begin entering the sort code and select the correct one from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the account number. 
  8. Enter the account number again in the Confirm Account Number field.
  9. You must tick the ‘I accept that saving will update my back details’ statement. 
  10. Click SAVE.

Note * Alternatively, enter the building society reference number into the relevant field and enter it again into the Confirm Building Society Reference field.

This must be extracted from Onboarding and recorded for all staff.

To complete a new starter’s record, highest qualification(s) and, if applicable, academic teaching qualification(s) must be recorded. This data is required to support the University’s internal and external reporting obligations, including HESA. 

Highest qualification 

The Highest qualification details must be entered for HESA purposes; others can be input in accordance with local practice.

Navigation: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS in top right corner. 
  2. Select Personnel Profile
  3. This will open the Personnel Information screen.
  4. Select Learning and Development from the left-side menu.
  5. Click on Qualifications.

Note * Where these details already exist for rehires review and update, if needed.

  1. Depending on the scenario:
    1. (Option 1) To check/ update existing qualifications, click the ellipsis at the end of the row and select Edit
    2. (Option 2) To add a new qualification, click the Add button.
  2. Both options will open the Edit Qualification screen.
  3. Review/ update the two fields below: 
Field name (*mandatory) Instructions
Qualification* Select from the drop-down. As noted above, highest qualification details must be entered; others can be input in accordance with local requirements.
Course Name * Enter name of course (subject) and level, eg NVQ Level 2, BA (Hons) Business Studies. 

 Note * If selecting a ‘Professional Qualification’ or ‘Nvq / Svq / Other Vocational’, you must provide the level of qualification and the course title in the ‘Course Name’ field, so that the national level of the qualification can be identified. 

See HR Analytics website for more details.

  1. Click SAVE

Academic teaching qualifications

Academic teaching qualifications must be entered for HESA purposes. For new starters who have teaching as all or part of their contract, ie where the Staff Classification Category is either: 1 Teaching only (academic contract) or 3 Teaching and research (academic contract), all teaching qualifications must be recorded. This includes where no qualifications are held.

Navigation: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Personal Profile
  3. This will open the Personnel Information screen. 
  4. Select Learning and Development from the left-side menu. 
  5. Click on Teaching Qualifications.
  6. Depending on the scenario:
    1. (Option 1) To add a new teaching qualification, click the Add button.
    2. (Option 2) To make an update to an existing qualification recorded, click the ellipsis at the end of the row and select Edit. 
  7. Select the appropriate option(s) from the drop-down list and click OK

To ensure accurate HESA data returns, extract and record previous employment/activity details from 'Onboarding' for all new University staff and rehires (check the entry already exists for internal transfers).

Where this data hasn't been provided: 

  • Check their CV.
  • Visit departmental web pages; academic and research staff often have profiles with required information.
  • Contact the individual directly if still employed and request the information.

Note: Record the individual's activity immediately before joining the University (eg paid employment, studies, or a career break). Ignore small gaps like holidays. Never record University of Oxford employment as previous employment. If there were two substantial activities, record the one with an Industry Category code numerically closest to '01 ANOTHER HEI IN UK'. For rehires with a break in continuous service always add a new entry. Note down the individual’s Employee Number before proceeding.

What to record for those who held casual/TSS appointments before joining as an employee

For individuals previously working as casual or TSS staff with the University, record their activity prior to their casual/TSS appointment.

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Data Centre 
  1. Click OPEN on the People Management row.
  2. Select Employment History under Employee Administration.
  3. Depending on the scenario:
    1. (Option 1) To add new employment history, click the ADD button.
    2. (Option 2) To make an update to an existing qualification recorded, search for the individual and click the ellipsis at the end of the row and select Edit. 
  4. Update/ complete the relevant fields, as outlined below:

Note: Details must be completed whether the employment was in the UK or overseas.

Field name


Employee* If recording new employment, search for the individual by entering their employee number. 
Start Date * Start date of most recent activity/employment.
End Date *

End date of most recent activity/employment - see note below.

NB: Do not leave this blank. If you do not know the end date from the most recent activity/employment or where this commitment will continue, enter the day before the University contract start date.

Employer * Name of organisation where the individual was employed or carried out the activity. Enter 'n/a' if not working/student/volunteer. Do not record University of Oxford employment as previous employment. 
Position * Complete as applicable or enter student/volunteer, as appropriate. Enter 'n/a' if not working/student/volunteer.
Industry Category*

Pick from the available options in the drop-down list. This captures what the individual was doing and where (UK or overseas). It is also used for internal management information. Oxford college employment must be recorded using INDCAT code ’35 – Oxford College’.

Where code ’01 – Another HEI in UK’ is used, a corresponding 'Company Category' (the name of the HEI) must be selected.

Rehires: If there was a break in continuous service and they weren't employed elsewhere during that break, choose '21 NOT IN REGULAR EMPLOYMENT'. 

Company Category*

If the previous employer was a UK HEI, pick the University name from the list (ie this is the HEI that an individual was working at immediately prior to working at Oxford).

NB: Do NOT complete this field if the individual was a student, either at an Oxford college or another HEI. This is used to help with collation of existing HESA IDs for staff who have previous HEI/university employment. See also: Previous employment guidance table

Rehires: If there was a break in continuous service and they weren't employed elsewhere during that break, leave Company Category blank.


  1. Enter any other details of interest, eg Leaving Reason.
  2. Click Save
  3. An Employment Record Saved message will appear, click OK