
Guide contents

  1. Staff request
  2. Vacancy 
  3. Appointment
  4. Apprenticeship Details UDF 
  5. During Apprenticeship
  6. End of an Apprenticeship

This guidance notes the differences for setting up and managing apprentices in PeopleXD and should be read in conjunction with the relevant guides mentioned throughout. 

Note * Apprenticeship appointment records must only be set-up for new entrants (ie those on grade Apprentice 01A). For existing staff who take on an Apprenticeship, whilst retaining their substantive job at the University, please ensure that only a UDF record has been created. For further guidance, please contact

Only raise a staff request for ‘new entrants’ (ie those who will be joining the University as an apprentice on an Apprentice Grade). Do not raise a staff request for existing staff who take on an Apprenticeship.

Follow the Create and approve Staff Requests guide, noting the following differences:

Wizard step 2: Contract Details

Field Instruction
Wizard step 2: Contract Details
Wizard step 3: Job Details
Job Title*     Select APPRENTICE.
Wizard step 4: Vacancy Details
Vacancy Type*     Select Apprenticeship

Follow the Prepare a vacancy for advertising how-to guide, noting the differences below:


Additional questions

Additional questions may need to be added to an Apprenticeship application form. Please do not attempt to add these, without contacting the Apprenticeships Team first. 

Advert approval and publication

Follow the Prepare and authorise vacancy for advertising how-to guide to approve the advert. Once approved and live on the website, share the vacancy link with both, the Apprenticeships Team ( and the training provider. Once the vacancy has been authorised you must not make any amendments to it. You MUST contact the Apprenticeships Team if changes are required after the initial vacancy authorisation. 

Follow the relevant Appointing guidance

Contract Information
Field Name (* mandatory)    Description
Job Title*    Select APPRENTICE

Salary Information
Field Name (* mandatory)    Description
Point on Scale    Select as appropriate; normally this will be POINT 1 for a new entrant.


An Apprenticeship Details UDF record must be created for all apprentices (ie new entrants and existing staff), at the start of an Apprenticeship course. There must only be one UDF record per Apprenticeship course. Follow the Add and manage UDFs how-to guide for the system steps. 

Please update the UDF with completion/leaver details at the end of the Apprenticeship course. You may make updates to an existing record, for example, to update Apprenticeship training due to finish date.

  1. Select UDF Type Appt:Apprenticeship Details from the dropdown.
  2. Complete the fields as follows:  

Field Name 


Date From 

Enter the start date of the Apprenticeship.

Date To 

Leave blank 

Apprenticeship name* Enter the Apprenticeship course name, as advertised.
New or existing

Select as applicable:

  • New entrant – select for new starters to the University
  • Existing staff – select for existing staff taking up an Apprenticeship
Training provider* Enter provider name
App induction Select Yes/No as applicable, if apprentice has had an/got a scheduled induction meeting with the Apprenticeships team.
STEM Select Yes/No as applicable.
Technician* Select Yes/No as applicable.
Apprenticeship Type*

Select, as appropriate:

  • Intermediate level Appr/Level 2 quals
  • Advanced Apprenticeship/Level 3 quals
  • Higher&Degree Appr/Level 4 quals & above
Line manager email* Enter line manager’s email address
App Training DTF* Select/enter date of when the Apprenticeship training is due to finish.
Completed Where to after
Wher to after Where to after
Notes Enter comments, if applicable.