How to: approve or reject salaries and allowances/Salary approvals screen

2. Salary Approvals screen

In the Salary Approvals screen, there are four menu options (tabs):



  1. My Approval Items – list of salaries and/ or allowances awaiting your approval.
  2. All Outstanding Items – list of all salaries and / or allowances awaiting either departmental/divisional approval or Payroll approval. These are the only outstanding ones within your security access.
  3. All Rejected Items – list of all rejected salaries and / or allowances from within your security access.
  4. All Approval Items – list of all fully approved (at both dept./division and payroll) salaries and / or allowances from within your security access

Menu options 2 - 4 allow you to view the specific details of each listed allowance or salary. The displayed information includes basic details of the salary or allowance, a brief history of approval and rejection changes, and any associated comments.