My Development - Create Career Development Review


  1. My Development Overview
  2. Create Career Development Review
  3. Adjust Career Development Review during the academic year


'My Development' functionality is currently available only to participating departments with Researchers. We are rolling this feature out in stages, for more information and to register your interest please refer to our dedicated webpage or email the HR Systems team.

‘My Development’ enables researchers to complete their Career Development Reviews (CDRs) and log their Professional Development days. The functionality aims to provide a useful, interactive record of these valuable conversations and a way for departments and faculties to support quality CDR conversations for all researchers within their subject areas.  The purpose of this guide is to provide system guidance, for University best practice guidance please see the Researcher Hub webpages.

Key reminders

  1. After clicking SAVE/COMPLETE, wait for the green success message and dark green line to fill before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses (…)represent additional options, usually at the end of a row. 
  3. Where the below guidance mentions CDRs, the same process can be applied to PDR forms.

The following actions are expected to take place at the beginning of the academic year, to enable local department set-up.

The first action is to clone the CDR form (ie copy the existing content in the generic forms) and re-name it for your departments use, to do this carry out the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Talent Dashboard.
  2. Select the Reviews menu tab.
  3. From the list, find either the CDR or PDR form.
  4. From the ellipsis, select Clone


  1. Change the Review Title to "CDR <date of review> <department>", e.g. "CDR2024Economics".  This will enable you to track the CDR form each year.
  2. Change the Start Date and the End Date inline with the current academic year, eg 01-Oct-2024 and 30-Sep-2025. 
  3. Slide the Toggle for Moves with person contract changes.  This will ensure that if the individual moves into a new appointment, their CDR will be available on that new appointment. 
  4. Select OK.  This will generate an inactive cycle (a form which has not yet been allocated in the system to researchers).

Proceed to 2. Identify if criteria group already exists

Criteria Groups allow you to define and control who should complete the CDR form, eg staff with particular Staff Categories and Employee Statuses.  Identify if the required Criteria Group has previously been created by following the steps below:

  1. Following on from '1. Clone the CDR form' above (if needed, navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews), locate the inactive CDR form that you have just created.
  2. From the ellipsis, click on the Assign option.
  1. Click on the Actions button and select Assign Criteria Group from the dropdown menu. 
  2. Proceed as appropriate:
    1. If the Criteria Group you require is listed (eg it had been set-up previously), skip to '3. Assign the Criteria Group' guidance.
    2. If the Criteria Group you require is not listed and needs to be created, follow '2a. Create new Criteria Group' guidance.

Where you have previously identified that the criteria group you require doesn't already exist, follow guidance below to create it:

  1. Continuing from the steps covered in the '2. Identify if Criteria Group already exists' guidance section above, select the Add Group button.
  2. Enter the group description, eg "Department Researchers" (e.g. Economics Researchers)
  3. Select OK.
  4. Select ADD.
add criteria
  1. Using the left-hand menu, drag and drop the required criteria to the assigned section of the system.  To create a group for Researchers, select:
    1. Employee Status:  Fixed term and Open-ended contracts.
    2. Category:  Research only.
    3. Sub Category:  AP and AS (Research Staff and Research Support). 
  2. Return to the Criteria Group screen, using the breadcrumb. Click Yes if prompted.
  3. Proceed to '3 Assign the Criteria Group' guidance.

To assign the researcher to the correct CDR form, complete the following process:

  • By using these groups and the criteria that has pulled through from PeopleXD, when there are any new starters you will not have to add the CDR form to their My Development access, the system will automatically allocate the CDR form to any staff who match the criteria you have chosen.

  • If an appointment doesn't not require a CDR, the CDR form can be deleted.  For example in the following scenarios:

    • If an individual has multiple appointments which meet the criteria you select, eg they have two part-time researcher roles, you will need to consider if all appointments require a CDR. To check if multiple reviews have been assigned, run the Insights 'Multiple Reviews Assigned' report 

    • If an individual has a fixed term contract for less than 12 months.  

  1. From the Criteria Group screen (if needed, navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews > ellipsis for the review > Assign > Actions > Assign Criteria Group)
  2. To assign that criteria group, toggle the group you wish to assign (this should only need to be one group).
additional details
  1. Scroll down to Additional Details and ensure:
    1. Automatically assign to employees whose start date is number of days after the Start Date toggle is active.
    2. Number of Days is set to 364.
  2. Click Save.  This will enable you to see individuals assigned to the review.
  3. When you return to the reviews page, you will see the number of employees assigned to the CDR review.    
  4. Proceed to 4. Activate the review

To enable researchers to access the their reviews it must be activated.  Complete the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews> locate the inactive CDR form that you have just created.
  2. Find the CDR form you wish to activate.
  3. From the ellipsis menu, click Activate.
  4. Select Yes to confirm you wish to activate the review.
  5. The review will now turn green and show as active, this means that researchers and their reviewers will now be able to see it in their HR Self-Service.

There is no further action to take for the current cycle, the review will close according to the end date recorded, eg 30 September. HR teams will need to repeat the process at the beginning of the next cycle (following steps above) eg around every October.

If changes are required to the current review, eg a change in reviewer follow My Development - Adjust the Career Development Review during the academic year