New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants) - monitor Onboarding tasks completion

6. Monitor Onboarding tasks completion

The new starter/transfer/existing staff with a new appointment will provide their details via the Onboarding checklist (ie 'Tasks'), which should by completed by the supplementary payroll deadline. For new starters, this should be recommended as Day 1/Week 1 activity.

Up to one week before the supplementary payroll deadline, check the progress to ensure that payroll-critical data has been completed (ie bank details). You may need to chase staff with incomplete data to make sure they can be paid.

This report:

  • provides details of Onboarding tasks that have not yet been completed by staff; and
  • includes parameters to filter by department, appointment start date and employee number.

For guidance on running the report either follwo the steps below, of follow the video:

Running reports in Insight - Onboarding

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Insight



  1. Click All Reports
  1. Find 'PERINS02 – Incomplete onboarding items' report.
  1. Click on ellipsis at the end of a row and choose View.


  1. Click REFRESH DATA 
  2. Enter the prompts, as required.
  3. Click OK.

You can export the data into excel.

Navigation path: People Management > Command Centre > Onboarding

The count within 'Onboarding' shows the number of tasks outstanding.

  1. Click VIEW to see a breakdown of the outstanding tasks, by employee or task.
  2. Apply filters as follows:
  • By employee - enter personnel number in 'Search for person...' box
  • By task - select a specific task in 'Filter by Item' box
  • By other criteria - Click FILTER for further options, eg department or work group (NB You do not need to enter the full hierarchy)
  1. Click VIEW for details,

Alternatively, navigate to the employee's record via People Management > Onboarding to check the completion progress of the Onboarding Tasks.

In exceptional circumstances you may need to mark Onboarding Tasks as 'complete' for a staff member. This may apply where the new starter completed a Word version of the New Starter Details form and you have already entered these details into People Management.

The steps below will mark ALL of the tasks as ‘complete'. Before proceeding, check that all of the required data has been collected/entered into People Management.

  1. Open the staff record in People Management and go to the Onboarding section

  1. Click YES to confirm.

  1. Confirmation message will appear.