Appointment, salary and allowance corrections

Please note:

  • This guide should not be used to record a genuine change. In these instances, you should follow the Make appointment and salary changes and/ or the Add and manage allowances guide (as appropriate)
  • If overiding personal details eg DOB, name or sex refer to the Add and manage personal details guidance
  • For appointment changes only:
    • Please contact HR Systems team if you need to correct the Effective Date.
    • You cannot change hierarchy information (Division through to Pay Administered By). Instead you will need to raise and submit new staff request for a new post and planned appointment.
    • This guidance refers to current appointments.  To make changes to ended appointment, please send relevant details to the HR Systems Support team.



  1. After committing to an action, such as clicking SAVE, a green success message appears, wait for the dark green line to fill, before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses = ‘three dots’, usually at the end of a row. 

Navigation and key information 

Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 
  1. From the appointment selection menu select the contract you wish to correct (this is only relevant, where they have multiple current appointments).
multiple current appointments


  1. Click Contracts in the left-side menu.
  2. Make a note of key information:
    1. Effective date (if making correction to the latest appointment sequence)
    2. Target end date if applicable
    3. Reason
  3. Proceed to the relevant guidance below:
    1. Correction to the latest appointment sequence 
    2. Correction to an ended appointment sequence.
latest and ended appointment sequences

Expand All

This guidance should be followed when amending the latest appointment sequence of the current appointment (see image above for clarity).

  1. Click Update at end of the appointment sequence (top row).
  2. Re-enter the details you noted earlier back into the relevant fields so that they are the same as they were when you noted them:
    1. Effective date – this must be the same as the current appointment sequence, otherwise you will create a new sequence (not correct the error)
    2. Target end date (for fixed term appointments only) - copy this date into planned end date field
    3. Reason code
  3. Update relevant fields to make the correction(s)
  4. Review and update the Comments field where necessary.
  5. Click SAVE.

Consider if further updates are needed, eg salary, allowances, cost allocation etc. 

This guidance should be followed for when amending an ended appointment sequence of the current appointment (see image above for clarity).


  1. Click VIEW next to the ended appointment sequence you wish to amend.
  2. Click AMEND at the top right of the screen.
  3. Re-enter the details you noted earlier back into the relevant fields so that they are the same as they were when you noted them:
    1. Effective date – this must be the same as the current appointment sequence, otherwise you will create a new sequence (not correct the error)
    2. Target end date (for fixed term appointments only) - copy this date into planned end date field
    3. Reason code
  4. Update relevant fields to make the correction(s)
  5. Review and update the Comments field where necessary.
  6. Click SAVE.

Consider if further updates are needed, eg salary, allowances, cost allocation etc. 

Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View > Current salary
  1. From the appointment selection menu select the contract you wish to correct (this is only relevant, where they have multiple current appointments).
  2. If status is ‘pending’ – ask your department pay approver to reject.  If this is not possible follow step 3.
  3. If status is ‘in approval’ or is ‘approved’:  Follow the 'System steps: How to update the salary' section in the 'Make appointment and salary changes' guide considering the following:
Field name Description
Start Date This should reflect the effective date of the change. The most recent change entered will take precedent.
Point Review and ensure this is the correct salary point.
Multiplier Used to calculate individual’s salary. In most case this will match the current FTE unless the individual is on long term absence
Reason Select ‘Correcting error’
Comments Provide details of the correction which will be visible to the pay approver and your payroll officer.


  1. Notify your payroll officer with details of the correction.

Guidance regarding making salary changes around the same time as increments

When applying changes to an employee’s multiplier around the same time as the annual increments process, it is advisable to follow these rules:

  1. If the start date of the change predates the increment due date, then enter the change into PeopleXD at least 2 days before the increment is due.
  2. If the start date of the change is on or after the increment due date, then allow the increment to be applied first and then come back and make the subsequent change.

Consider if further updates are needed, eg allowances, cost allocation etc.  

Where there is an allowance to correct:

  1. If status is ‘pending’ – ask your department pay approver to reject (if this is not possible follow step 2).
  2. If status is ‘in approval’ or is ‘approved’ – contact the HR Systems team to advise on next steps. 

Note: For advice on amending the end date refer to the Ending appointments guidance.

Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View 

  1. From the staff record, select the ACTIONS button top right corner. 
  2. Select Leaver Details
  3. Update/add details as required
 Field name Instructions
Leaving Code* Select the relevant reason, eg Resignation - Promotion/career prospects 
Leaving Destination*

Select the appropriate option to record the employee's activity after leaving.

Specific notes: 

(i) For another UK HEI, select the relevant HEI. If the name of the HEI is unknown, select 'Another HEI in UK'. Non-UK HEIs and related organisations are not included.
(ii) For an organisation related to an HEI (eg an Oxford College, Cambridge College, OUP), select 'Other education institution in the UK'.

(iii) For NHS-related employment, select 'NHS/General medical or dental in UK'.
(iv) For paid charity/third sector work, select 'Working in the voluntary sector'.
(vi) For unpaid volunteering, select 'Not in regular employment'.
(vii) If the leaving destination is unknown, choose the most applicable:

  • 'Not available' > You asked the employee, but received no response.
  • 'Not known' > Employee does not know what they are going to do next.
  • 'Decline to specify' > Employee declined to provide information.
Location After Leaving*

Select the appropriate geographic location of the activity selected under 'Leaving Code'. 
NB: If an ended employee appointment is replaced by a casual appointment, the original appointment must still be treated as a leaver when completing the 'Activity on leaving' and 'Location after leaving' fields, for data collection purposes.

Specific notes:

  • For 'Retirement', select the home address location of the leaver.
  • For Guernsey, Jersey, or the Isle of Man, select 'UK (not otherwise specified)'.
  • For a list of current EU member countries, refer to the EU website.
  • If the location is unknown, choose the most applicable:
    • 'Not available' > You asked the employee, but received no response.
    • 'Not known' > Employee does not know what they are going to do next.
    • 'Information refused' > Employee declined to provide information.
Comments* Provide additional details to validate the Leaving Code and Location After Leaving. 


  1. Click SAVE.