Navigation and key information
Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View
- From the appointment selection menu select the contract you wish to correct (this is only relevant, where they have multiple current appointments).

- Click Contracts in the left-side menu.
- Make a note of key information:
- Effective date (if making correction to the latest appointment sequence)
- Target end date if applicable
- Reason
- Proceed to the relevant guidance below:
- Correction to the latest appointment sequence
- Correction to an ended appointment sequence.

This guidance should be followed when amending the latest appointment sequence of the current appointment (see image above for clarity).
- Click Update at end of the appointment sequence (top row).
- Re-enter the details you noted earlier back into the relevant fields so that they are the same as they were when you noted them:
- Effective date – this must be the same as the current appointment sequence, otherwise you will create a new sequence (not correct the error)
- Target end date (for fixed term appointments only) - copy this date into planned end date field
- Reason code
- Update relevant fields to make the correction(s)
- Review and update the Comments field where necessary.
- Click SAVE.
Consider if further updates are needed, eg salary, allowances, cost allocation etc.
This guidance should be followed for when amending an ended appointment sequence of the current appointment (see image above for clarity).
- Click VIEW next to the ended appointment sequence you wish to amend.
- Click AMEND at the top right of the screen.
- Re-enter the details you noted earlier back into the relevant fields so that they are the same as they were when you noted them:
- Effective date – this must be the same as the current appointment sequence, otherwise you will create a new sequence (not correct the error)
- Target end date (for fixed term appointments only) - copy this date into planned end date field
- Reason code
- Update relevant fields to make the correction(s)
- Review and update the Comments field where necessary.
- Click SAVE.
Consider if further updates are needed, eg salary, allowances, cost allocation etc.