Leaving Destination* |
Select the appropriate option to record the employee's activity after leaving.
Specific notes:
(i) For another UK HEI, select the relevant HEI. If the name of the HEI is unknown, select 'Another HEI in UK'. Non-UK HEIs and related organisations are not included.
(ii) For an organisation related to an HEI (eg an Oxford College, Cambridge College, OUP), select 'Other education institution in the UK'.
(iii) For NHS-related employment, select 'NHS/General medical or dental in UK'.
(iv) For paid charity/third sector work, select 'Working in the voluntary sector'.
(vi) For unpaid volunteering, select 'Not in regular employment'.
(vii) If the leaving destination is unknown, choose the most applicable:
- 'Not available' > You asked the employee, but received no response.
- 'Not known' > Employee does not know what they are going to do next.
- 'Decline to specify' > Employee declined to provide information.
Location After Leaving* |
Select the appropriate geographic location of the activity selected under 'Leaving Code'.
NB: If an ended employee appointment is replaced by a casual appointment, the original appointment must still be treated as a leaver when completing the 'Activity on leaving' and 'Location after leaving' fields, for data collection purposes.
Specific notes:
- For 'Retirement', select the home address location of the leaver.
- For Guernsey, Jersey, or the Isle of Man, select 'UK (not otherwise specified)'.
- For a list of current EU member countries, refer to the EU website.
- If the location is unknown, choose the most applicable:
- 'Not available' > You asked the employee, but received no response.
- 'Not known' > Employee does not know what they are going to do next.
- 'Information refused' > Employee declined to provide information.