Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy
- Click Events in the left-side menu.
- Select Applicant Events.
- Select the events that are appropriate for this hire from the Available list. There are several ways to locate and select the relevant events:
3.1 Search for events using the event name and click once on the event, then search again and select until all required events are found and selected.
3.2 Scroll up and down the list and click once on each required event.
3.3 Click Select All at the bottom of the list to select all events.
You must select both applicable checks where necessary, eg Right to Work Evidence Requested and Right to Work Confirmed.
Click the small right-facing arrow to move the selected events from the Available list to the Selected list.
The selected events will present in the Selected list and will be highlighted.
If you incorrectly selected an event, click the Deselect All button at the bottom of the Selected list. Click once on the incorrect event. Click the small left- facing arrow. This will move the incorrect event back to the Available list. Click Select All in the Selected list before continuing to step 6.
- Click SAVE in bottom right of the screen to cascade the events to the applicants.
- Click Recruitment in the breadcrumbs to exit. If a 'Changes Detected' message appears, ignore this, and click Yes.
Note* The events will cascade to all applicants, except an applicant with the status ‘Offer Accepted – Personnel’. |