Online shortlisting

Participating departments: 

  • UAS
  • Blavatnik School of Government
  • Department of Paediatrics
  • Department of Psychiatry 
  • Depts managed by HR Shared Service in GLAM

Follow this guide to enable panellists to access applications for vacancies that only they are responsible for and also have the option to record successful outcomes via HR Self-Service. Below is an overview of the key steps within this process:

  1. Set-up shortlisting assignment – this determines which applicants the panel can see and when.
  2. Share documents - this allows your panel to see the documents they require eg job description and shortlisting form.

Before you start

In order to share applications with panellists you must first record them on the vacancy. Only panellists who have been recorded as Chair or Internal can make use of the functionality.

Follow the steps in Record interview panel members and create interview schedules to record the panellists.


  • Panelists will need access to HR self-service. If you have external panellists you will need to continue with the current process.
  • When any application is made available to the panel, they will not receive any form of notification.  This is something to be mindful of, particularly where you don’t release all applications at the same time.