My Development - Adjust the Career Development Review during the academic year


  1. My Development Overview
  2. Create Career Development Review
  3. Adjust Career Development Review during the academic year


'My Development' functionality is currently available only to participating departments with Researchers. We are rolling this feature out in stages, for more information and to register your interest please refer to our dedicated webpage or email the HR Systems team.

‘My Development’ enables researchers to complete their Career Development Reviews (CDRs) and log their Professional Development days. The functionality aims to provide a useful, interactive record of these valuable conversations and a way for departments and faculties to support quality CDR conversations for all researchers within their subject areas.  The purpose of this guide is to provide system guidance, for University best practice guidance please see the Researcher Hub webpages. 



Key reminders

  1. After clicking SAVE/COMPLETE, wait for the green success message and dark green line to fill before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses (…)represent additional options, usually at the end of a row. 
  3. Where the below guidance mentions CDRs, the same process can be applied to PDR forms. 


The Work Group Manager will be the default Reviewer. It is understood that Reviewees may prefer to have a different Reviewer than their Work Group Manager due to career aspirations or other reasons. If the Reviewer needs to be someone other than the Work Group Manager, it can be overwritten.  If this action is taken, there is no affect on the Work Group Manager's Self-Service access also the new Reviewer will not see any of the personnel details of the individual in PeopleXD (as they would with Manager Self-Service). 

In order to see who the current Work Group Manager or the overwritten Reviewer is, this is shown in the researchers CDR form (the manager is named as the respondent to each question).  You can run also run the following reports:

To change the reviewer:

  1. Navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews 
  2. Find the CDR /PDR form that is active.
  3. From the ellipsis, select Admin options
  4. From the Change Employees Manager tab, enter the required individual's name into the New Manager field.  
change reviewer
  1. Click Save.
  2. If the alternative Reviewer currently has Manager Self-Service access proceed to step 8.
  3. If the alternative Reviewer does not have Manager Self-Service access contact the HR Systems Support team who will update the Reviewer's system access.  Once the access has been granted, proceed to step 8.
  4. Notify the manager and the employee off system that this has been changed (they will see this when they next log into their CDR form).


To identify if an individual is a Work Group Manager, run the PERDEP16 HR SELF-SERVICE WORK GROUPS report.

If the Reviewer requests support to complete the CDR, run the Insights 'Review Status' report to see who has current responsibility for the report (eg Reviewee or Reviewer).

Depending on the current status of the review and the action required you can open/ edit the review by: 

  1. Navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews 
  2. Find the CDR /PDR form that is active.
  3. From the ellipsis, select Admin options
  4. Select the Manage Review tab.
  5. Click Open Review.
  6. Edit as appropriate.
  7. Click Save.

If you need to delete a review from an individual's record, eg where they have multiple appointments/ leave their role before completing their CDR form, follow steps below:

  1. Navigate to: Talent Dashboard > Reviews 
  2. Find the CDR /PDR form that is active.
  3. From the ellipsis, select Admin options
  4. Select the Manage Review tab.
  5. Search for the reviewee using the filters.
  6. Select the drop-down list in the Actions field and select Delete Review.
  1. Click Save.