Manage Recruitment Statuses and Events - Applicant Status

3. Applicant status

Applicant statuses must be kept up to date throughout the selection process. The requirement to use mandatory statuses is crucial for Equality and Diversity monitoring, recruitment reporting, and to enable communications with applicants.


Applicant statuses are used to show how far each applicant has progressed in the selection process for that vacancy.

Mandatory and other optional applicant statuses are stated below.  

The applicant statuses shown in bold with an asterisk ( ) are mandatory, ie a successful candidate MUST have passed through these statuses.  If you forget to record a status refer to the missing applicant status guidance.

Application received Shortlisting completed Interview invites sent Interviews completed
 Applied  Shortlisted  Invited to interview 1 Preferred candidate
Applied late Standby Invited to interview 2 Standby
Invalid Rejected after shortlisting Withdrawn Rejected after interview 1
Withdrawn Invalid Rejected after shortlisting Rejected after interview 2
  Withdrawn Withdrawn  Offer made - personnel
       Offer accepted - personnel
      Offer refused
      Rejected after checks


Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > View Applicants

  1. Locate your applicant from the list (you will only see 8 per page) by searching by name or applicant ID if needed.
  2. Select the ellipsis at the end of their row.
  3. Click Edit Status. A small window appears.
  4. Their Current Status is shown as read only.
  5. Select the new status from the Status drop-down. 
  6. Add any relevant comments relating to this status change.
  7. Click OK.


Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > View Applicants

  1. Click ACTIONS.
  2. Select Bulk Update, this will open a new screen.
applicant bulk status update


  1. Optional: Filter the list of applicants by their current status, select this from the drop-down. (1).
  2. Click once on each applicant to highlight those whose statuses need to change (2). Alternatively click the Select All option (3).
  3. Select the new applicant status for those selected, using the drop-down under New Status (4).
  4. Click SAVE.
  5. You are returned to the Applicant Details screen and a success message will appear.
  1. Run the HRINFO21 Step 2 - Applicant status validation report.
  2. Update applicant status errors identified in the report*.

The report searches closed vacancies that have recruitment status of either Appointment made or No Appointment Made and flags applicants who appear to have missing mandatory applicant statuses (ie Applied, Shortlisted, Offer Made, Offer Accepted). 
*If you have not recorded an applicant status refer to add a missing applicant status guidance.

To view the applicant status history of an applicant:

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > View Applicants

  1. Search for your applicant, either by their name or applicant ID.
  2. Select the ellipsis (three dots) at the end of their row. 
  3. Select Status History. A new screen will open displaying the status history for that applicant, including who made the status change and when. 


Mandatory applicant statuses must be applied, depending on each applicant’s success with their application.  For details on what statuses are mandatory, refer to 'What do I need to know?' section above.

Where applicant statuses have not been recorded:

Navigation Path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > View Applicants

  1. Locate the relevant applicant.
  2. Identify what applicant statuses are missing from their history.
  3. Click the ellipsis at the end of the row for the relevant applicant. 
  4. Select Edit Status.
  5. Record the missed applicant status and Save
  6. Repeat for all missing applicant statuses. 
  7. Record the applicant’s final applicant status following the 'How to update an individual applicant' steps above and referring to the applicant status table. This should reflect the final stage the applicant reached in the selection process.


Where the applicant has already been appointed via the appointing wizard into the planned appointment linked to this vacancy, the Final Applicant Status of ‘Offer made – Personnel’ or ‘Offer Accepted – Personnel’ cannot then be applied to the applicant record. See guidance in table below:

When the original Final Applicant Status is: Re-apply with the following final Applicant Status:
Offer Made – Personnel Offer Made 
Offer Accepted – Personnel Offer Accepted


  1. Repeat steps above for all other applicants within the vacancy with missing applicant statuses.
  2. Re-run the HRINFO21 - Step 2 Applicant Status Validation report for this vacancy ID to ensure all errors have been resolved.
  3. Re-run the HRINFO21-  Applicant Data View and Export to check that the Final Applicant Status is correctly recorded in the Final Applicant Outcome column for all applicants.