Create interview schedules and manage interview times

Before creating the interview schedule you must first record the interview panel members on the vacancy.

Key reminders

  1. After clicking SAVE/COMPLETE, wait for the green success message and dark green line to fill before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses (…) represent additional options, usually at the end of a row.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy 

  1. Click SCHEDULES from the left-side menu to reveal further menu options.
  2. Select Schedules.
  3. Click the ADD SCHEDULE button in the top right corner to open the Schedule Details screen.
  4. Enter the details for the interview schedule under the Schedule tab:
Field name Instruction
Title *   Enter a title for the interview, eg Interviews for [job title].
Venue          Enter the name and details of the venue.  Ideally you should enter the full address so that it can be merged into the interview invite letter/email.
Applicant Status * Select ‘Invited to Interview 1’. This is the status you wish to set for applicants once they are assigned an interview slot. 
Assign By *     Using the drop down, select the Assign Type. ‘Individual’ means the applicants arrive at their scheduled time; ‘Group’ means they arrive at the same time.
Schedule *     Select the round and schedule number, eg Schedule 1, Round 1. You can enter the number manually or use the up and down arrow.
Round *  
Start Date *  Add the date of the interview using either the calendar or enter as DD-MM-YY.
End Date *  Add the end date for the interview, this can be several days after the start date. Enter the interview date using the calendar or enter as DD-MM-YY.
Start Time *  Enter the time of the first interview (eg. 9:00) or select from the drop down. It is a 24-hour clock.  
End Time * Enter the time you expect the last interview to finish (eg 17:00) or select from the drop down. It is a 24-hour clock. 
Lead Time   Enter the time required between each interview in minutes eg 15 minutes. It is recorded in minutes, alternatively use the up and down arrows to get to the correct lead time.
Duration *     Enter the length of each interview in minutes, eg 60 for a one-hour interview.
Further Information There is a free text box to capture further information.
Breaks For the panel you can add breaks by setting the time and duration for morning, lunch, and afternoon. The duration is in minutes. Add as appropriate.
Special Needs Vacancy     Not in use.
Select Interview Slot Online  Not in use.
Board Convenes      Record what time the Board need to meet prior to the first interview, eg first interview is at 9am, the board convenes at 08:30. Use the drop-down selection or type the time in.
Days     Not in use.


  1. Click the SAVE button in the bottom right corner. 

Note* If you receive a warning message (The schedule end time must be after the start time), double check that the times entered (start, end, breaks, board convenes etc) are all in 24-hour clock and break times are within the start and finish time of the interview. Select DISMISS and correct the error, click SAVE again. 

  1. If your interview schedule spans many days, the SPECIFIC TIMES button will become available. See View/ amend the interview schedule section below for more information.
  2. If you are ready to assign interview times to applicants and interviewers, move on to the Manage interview times section of this guide.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy 

  1. Click SCHEDULES from the left-side menu to reveal further menu options.
  2. Select Schedules.
  3. Click the ellipsis at the end of the row for the interview details you wish to view.
  4. Select View/Edit Schedule Details to open the Schedule Details screen. From here you can:
    • View the details entered for the schedule in the Schedule tab, scroll as needed.
    • If available, click the SPECIFIC TIMES button to view the interview dates and start/end time.
    • Amend any details as necessary by either typing over or using the drop-down options as appropriate.
  5. Click SAVE button.
  6. A confirmation message will appear, noting that if you save the changes any assigned interview times will be unassigned.
  7. Click YES

Alternatively, if available, click the SPECIFIC TIMES button to view the interview dates. Here you can edit timings of a specific interview day or delete an interview date. 

  1. Click the ellipsis and select:
  • Edit – to amend the times for that interview date (start and end times, board convenes time, break times). Click OK to save changes.
  • Delete – to remove that interview date from the schedule. A warning box will appear, click a response as appropriate. 

Note* Any changes to the interview schedule will affect already assigned interview times. You will need to reassign the interview dates and times to the selected applicants.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy 

  1. Click SCHEDULES from the left-side menu to reveal further menu options.
  2. Select Schedules.
  3. Click the ellipsis (three dots) at the end of the row for the interview details you wish to view.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. A message will appear to confirm you wish to delete the panel member. Select Yes.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy > Schedules > Schedules 

  1. Locate your interview and click on the ellipsis (three dots).
  2. Select View/Edit Schedule Details to open the Schedule Details screen.
  3. Interview times need to be assigned to both the shortlisted applicants and the interviewers.


Note* Interviewers must have been assigned as panel members before they can be assigned to the interviews. See, Record interview panel members.

  1. Select the Interviewers tab.
  2. If you have many panel members listed, you can search for the panel members one by one using their name.
  3. In the Assigned column slide the toggle to the right to select the interviewer you wish to assign an interview time to. Pay attention to any navigation arrows below the Assigned column.
  4. As you slide the toggle, a success message will appear for each assign.
  5. To unassign an interviewer, slide the toggle to the left. 


Note* All applicant statuses need to be up to date and accurate, ie ‘Shortlisted’ and ‘Rejected after Shortlisting’ at this stage. See Manage Recruitment statuses and events guide.

There are two options to assign interview times for applicants, system assigned time slots or manually assigned time slots. System assigned chooses the interview date and time for each selected applicant. Manual assignment allows you to choose the applicant for a specific interview date and time.

System Assigned
  1. Select the Assign Applicants tab.
  2. It is best to filter by status if you have a high number of applicants. Select ‘Shortlisted’ from the drop down next to All Statuses. 
  3. In the Assigned column slide the toggle to the right to select the applicants you wish to assign an interview time to. Your list of applicants may display over two pages, pay attention to any navigation arrows below the Assigned and Invited columns.
  4. As you slide the toggle, a success message will appear for each assign.
  5. Select the ACTIONS button and click on Assign Time Slots.
  6. If you filtered by status of ‘Shortlisted’ the applicants will disappear from the list as their status automatically updates to ‘Invited to Interview 1’ once assigned an interview date and time.
  7. Change the status filter to All Statuses to see the interview dates and times, alternatively select the Time Slots tab. 
Manually assign
  1. Select the Time Slots tab. Here you can see a list of available interview dates and times.
  2. Paying attention to the Applicant Name column. 
  3. Identify the date and time you wish to assign and select the drop down in the Applicant Name column, a list of all applicants will appear. 
  4. Click on the person you wish to assign that interview date and time to.

Note* All applicants will appear in this list, including those rejected after shortlisting. You will need to know who to select for what date and time. 

  1. More interview dates and times can be found using the page navigation arrows.
  2. The selected applicants’ statuses will automatically update to ‘Invited to Interview 1’ once assigned an interview date and time. 

The taken time slots and remaining available interview times can be easily viewed from the Time Slots tab.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy > Schedules > Schedules 

  1. Locate your interview and click on the ellipsis (three dots).
  2. Select View/Edit Schedule Details to open the Schedule Details screen.
  3. Click on the Time Slots tab.
  4. Interview dates and times are listed, those with a blank listing in the Applicant Name column are available to assign to an applicant.

Follow these steps to change the day and/or time for any of your applicants after creating the schedule, eg if your first candidate has a long journey and would like a later interview time.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy > Schedules > Schedules 

  1. Locate your interview and click on the ellipsis (three dots).
  2. Select View/Edit Schedule Details to open the Schedule Details screen.
  3. Click on the Assign Applicants tab.
  4. Search for your applicant using their name.
  5. Slide the toggle in the Assigned column to the left to unassign their current interview date and time. 
  6. In the Assigned column slide the toggle to the right to select the applicant again.
  7. In the Date column select from the drop-down the new interview date. Only remaining available dates will be listed.
  8. In the Time column, do the same, select from the drop-down the new interview time. Only available times for that selected date will show. 
  9. Click elsewhere in the screen for your change to save.

On occasion applicants invited to interviews may pull out before the interview takes place. It is important to remove them from the interview schedule.

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy > Schedules 

1.    Locate your interview and click on the ellipsis (three dots).
2.    Select View/Edit Schedule Details to open the Schedule Details screen.
3.    Click on the Assign Applicants tab.
4.    Search for your applicant using their name.
5.    Slide the toggle in the Assigned column to the left to unassign them from the interview schedule. 
6.    Their applicant status will revert to what it was before they were invited to interview. It is important to update this to the correct applicant status. Follow the Manage Recruitment statuses and events guide to do this. 

  1. Follow the Create and track applicant emails guide to send out interview invitation or rejections.
  2. Follow the Manage Recruitment statuses and events guide to update the vacancy status and check all applicant statuses are reflected correctly for this stage of the process. 
  3. Also using the Manage Recruitment statuses and events guide check that all vacancy events are up to date.