Prepare a vacancy for advertising - Current questions

3. Current questions

The questions included within Current Questions will appear in the Additional Questions section of the Application Checklist. 

Some questions must be included in all applications, and these have been preset. Further questions can be selected, as applicable, some of which are mandatory for certain roles. 

Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy 

Click the Current Questions in the left-hand side bar. A list of questions and their categories are presented.

Options listed in all capitals are headers for the list of questions that follow directly beneath.

The Active column shows whether the question will appear in the Additional Questions section of the application form. Click DETAILS at the end of the row to view further information. 

NB: In Actions the following options are not used by the University:

  • Add Question
  • Killer Question

Mandatory questions will already be preset and selected, and cannot be deactivated. The following standard questions can be deactivated, as applicable:

2.  AVAILABILITY<br>Are there any dates when you<br>are NOT available for interview? – Select as applicable

12. UNIVERSITY POLICY ON RETIREMENT<br> - Must be selected for all jobs grade 8 and above only. - check if should be removed - see HC mail

To deactivate one of the above:

  1. Slide the toggle in the Active column to the left, against the relevant question.
  2. Be sure to also deactivate any related questions.
  1. Click on the Actions drop-down, and select Assign Category. A new window will open.
  2. To add additional questions, you must select the relevant Quesiton Category (eg Clinical Appointments or Internal Only Applicants). 
  3. Slide the toggle on the corresponding row under the Active column to the left. 
  4. Click SAVE once you have made your changes.
  5. Return to Current Questions screen to view the added questions. 

NB Never deactivate the following question categories: General, Right to Work, University Connections, Unspent Convictions.

  1. To re-arrange the order in which the questions appear in the Additional Questions section of the application, clear all of the numbers under the Order column.
  2. Re-number the rows as desired. 
  3. Click SAVE once you have made your changes.

Continue to step 4. Vacancy profile.

Continue to step 4. Vacancy profile.