This guidance should be followed when recording advertising information, allowing you to track where the vacancy has been advertised externally. It is not necessary to record that it has been advertised on the University’s website as this is mandatory.
For further information on the use of external advertising, please see the guidance on the HR Support webpage.
Navigation path: Recruitment > Vacancies > Search for your vacancy > Actions > Edit Vacancy > Costs and advertising > Advertising
- Click ADD ADVERT - the Advert Details window opens.
- Update the following fields:
- Advert Type
- Advertiser Name - If the required Advertiser Name is not available from the list of values, please contact HR Systems.
- Start Date and End Date
- Posting Date
- Cost - To monitor any advertising costs. Costs recorded should exclude VAT.
- Click the OK button.
NB: This data is available in RECDEP42 Vacancy Adverts report.