Navigation path: People Management > Command Centre
1. Click VIEW next to 'Employees' to load Employee details.
3. Search for staff record by name or personnel no, or add a filter.
Note: If you can't find the person, change the search option from Active to Dormant and Active, and search again.
4. Click VIEW at the end of the individual’s row to open Employee Record.
5. Click on Contracts from the staff record menu.
6. Click the drop-down next to their job title to view their contracts. They may have multiple active appointments in your department(s).
8. Click to select the appointment you wish to commence.
9. Click COMMENCE in the bottom right.
10. Enter the commencement date using the calendar icon; either select or type the date.
Note: If the actual start date is later than the ‘appointed’ date, enter the revised date. The effective date will update automatically. If the actual start date is earlier than the ‘appointed’ date, contact HR Systems Support to amend the date before proceeding.
11. Click OK.