Appointing guide for new and existing staff (online applicants)

4. Complete the appointing wizard

The appointing wizard captures essential information for the staff record and generates an employee number, if applicable.

Work through each section as outlined below (in some cases, skipping Person Information):

Most of the details below will be pre-populated from the applicant record; review and click NEXT to 'Organisational Structure'.

Field name

* = mandatory

Title * Auto-populated from the applicant record.
Forename *

Auto-populated from the applicant record.

NB For HMRC purposes this must match the name on the individuals passport/right to work document.

Surname * Auto-populated from the applicant record.
Middle Name

From 1 November: enter once Onboarding has been completed by staff member.

Enter all middle names in full. 

Known As*

From 1 November: enter once Onboarding has been completed by staff member.

Enter first name only by which individual would like to be known. This will be used to generate the work email address.


From 1 November: update once Onboarding has been completed by staff member.

Replace what has been auto-populated, with initials for forename and middle names only. Do not enter spaces, hyphens, or full stops.

Date of Birth * Auto-populated from the applicant record.
Age Auto-populated with the individual’s age from the entered DOB. Do not amend.
Legal sex * Auto-populated from the applicant record.
Country * Auto-populated from the applicant record.
Address Line 1 -2 * Address Lines 3 - 5

Auto-populated from the applicant record.

NB Enter the country in the last line for any non-UK addresses

Postcode Prefix and Postcode Suffix

Auto-populated from the applicant record.

NB Check postcode is entered across both fields, in alpha numeric format as shown AA1 1AA.


Click NEXT in bottom right to continue to step 2.

NB Where the post details have not automatically loaded:

  • Search for post by post no. or click POST SEARCH. Once found click APPLY.
  • The post details should auto-fill.

Complete/check the organisational structure as follows:

Field name

* = mandatory

Company * Check ‘University of Oxford’.
Division * Check this is correct.
Sub Division * Check this is correct (may be the same as above).
Level 4 * Check this is correct (may be the same as above).
Management Unit * Check this is correct (may be the same as above).
Department * Check this is correct (may be the same as above).
Pay Administered by * Check that this is correct and is the department/division that will be approving pay changes.
Cost Centre Check and update, as necessary. Should be the departmental default. Format will be AA00000000000, the first two characters, eg ‘AA’ is the department code. NB This is not where the employee’s salary will be charged, you must record these details later.

Record the normal work location (based on department) for the individual. Type in the two-digit department code to find your location.

If the individual is working overseas:

Note * You must notify Payroll in advance when an employee will be working overseas. This is to ascertain their UK residence status for pension auto-enrolment purposes, which only applies to staff working or ordinarily working in the UK. Employees temporarily based overseas and expected to return to the UK, are deemed to be ‘ordinarily working in the UK’. Those permanently based overseas may not be subject to the auto-enrolment regulations. If in doubt, treat the employee as working in the UK.

Enter the relevant country/code, as appropriate:

  • EEA country
  • Bilateral Social Security country
  • Other (non-EEA /non-bilateral agreement)

This is required by payroll for tax purposes. Information about these location codes can be found on the government website here.

Work Group

Select the appropriate Work Group for the individual.

This determines the individual's 'team’, for HR Self-Service purposes. 

College Association If known/applicable, select college, otherwise leave as is.


Click NEXT in bottom right.

Refer to: People Profile matrix and Staff Classification guides to ensure data accuracy for the below.

NB Date format in PeopleXD is DD-MM-YYYY

Field name

* = mandatory

Effective (start) Date *

Refer to Recording appointment start dates.

NB If the actual start date is earlier than the date shown contact HR Systems to amend this before proceeding.

Planned End Date *

If the contract is permanent/open-ended leave blank.

If the contract is fixed-term (including secondments) enter the contract end date.

Target End Date *

If the contract is permanent/open-ended leave blank.

If the contract is fixed-term (including secondments) enter the contract end date.

Job Title *

Check/select the generic job title from the dropdown list.

  • Marie Curie staff (including students): select the job title for Marie Curie roles
  • Apprentices: select the Apprentice job title
Job Category

Not in use.

NB If this contains TUPE or HYBRID do not proceed > contact HR Systems for guidance.

Post Type *

Leave as populated.

Marie Curie Students: check set to 'Non-employee'.

Comments Add notes as required.  If individual is working overseas, enter the Country.  
Job Description

Enter the actual job title (case sensitive). 

Do not include any individuals' names or any other information, such as FTE. Avoid acronyms, unless this is absolutely necessary and was included in the advertisement.

NB This will appear in the documents produced from PeopleXD, eg the conditional offer/contract, and in HR Self-Service.

Employee Status *

Check/select as relevant, eg Permanent, Fixed term etc

Marie Curie Students: select 'Non-employee'.

Sub Status *

Refers to working pattern. Select as relevant, eg Full-Time, Part-Time, Term-Time etc

Marie Curie Students: Select 'Payroll Service'.

Category *

Check/update if necessary. Relates to contract of employment and job description, and indicates the role/categorisation of an academic contract. Vital for statutory reporting, such as HESA and REF. Refer to Staff Classifications guide.

Sub Category *

Check/update if necessary. Used for statutory reporting, such as HESA and REF. Refer to Staff Classifications guide.

Contracted Hours *

Enter actual contracted weekly hours.

Variable hours staff: set to '0'

Part-time, Term-time only staff: enter hours to be worked per week during term time.

Standard Hours *

Enter the equivalent full-time hours for the grade.

For example:

  • 36.5 for grades 1-5
  • 37.5 for grades 6-10
  • 14.91 for 39Q
  • For other grades check the contract.

From this, the FTE will update automatically.

Contracted Weeks (for term-time only staff)

For term-time only staff paid the same amount each month: enter number of weeks employee works per year, including holiday entitlement. Eg if they work 38 weeks p/y and are entitled to 4 weeks’ holiday, enter 42 weeks. 

Leave blank for all other staff.

Standard Weeks This field will be set by the system to 52.

Check as expected and update, if necessary, correct.

Variable hours staff: this will be set to '0'.

Refer to the FTE and multiplier calculator

Action *

Select relevant action. Mostly New Appointment, but exceptions may apply.

For secondments: Select 'Secondment'

If working overseas: Select 'New Appointment Working Overseas'

For regrades: Select 'Regrade'

Reason *

For most new roles you can type ‘new’ and select the appropriate reason code, eg:

  • New Starter – new to the University 
  • New Starter (ex-employee)
  • New appointment (Transfer) - when moving from one job to another in same or different department
  • New additional appointment
  • New contract
  • Re-grading (Grade increase/decrease)

NB: The above reasons will activate ‘Onboarding’ in HR Self-Service

For secondments: Select 'Secondment Start'

Priority candidates/trial periods: where an individual has requested to accept the job on a trial basis, select 'TRIAL PERIOD'. Read the policy here.

If working overseas: Select 'Working Overseas'

Replacing Do not use
Secondment Only tick for secondments.


Click NEXT in bottom right of the wizard to continue to step 4.

  1. Complete this screen as per the guidance below:

Field name

* = mandatory

NI (National Insurance) * Enter NI number if known. Otherwise extract and enter when completed in Onboarding as soon as this becomes available.
Paygroup employee will be paid in*

Select Monthly (20) or Senior (21) as appropriate. 

NB Senior Pay Group (21) is for these grades only:

Professor (A20); Clinical Professor – old consultant contract (A70); Clinical Professor – new consultant contract (A80); Senior Administrative Officer - ALC6 (B23); Clinical Reader/University Lecturer (A82); Royal Society Professor (D94); and Marie Curie Fellow (MCF).

If this is already populated and cannot be updated please contact HR Systems.

Employee to be paid…

Default of Scale Point applies to standard University grades.

For off-scale/ spot or Marie Curie grades select Personal.

Pay scale

Do not amend*; set by the Reward team.

*Off-scale/ spot posts only: re-select relevant scale, if required.

*Marie Curie staff: must be the Marie Curie option is selected; update if needed.

Underfills (when being appointed): Check this has been set to the lower grade by the Reward team.

Underfill promotion to substantive grade: Check this has been set to the higher grade by the Reward team.

Point on Scale * Check/update the salary scale point, as required. Check relevant scenario factsheets for alternatives.
Multiplier *

Check as expected. If it is not, click Previous, and correct Hours.

Marie Curie Students only: '0' - no salary to be generated

Refer to the FTE and multiplier calculator

This is to be paid * Set to Annual. Do not amend.

Leave as calculated*

*Off-scale/personal grade posts only: Enter the planned salary.

*Marie Curie Fellow/Researcher: MCFs and MCRs should have their living and mobility allowances combined into a spot salary.

*Marie Curie Student: '0'

Apply next Increment on

Enter relevant date, in accordance with University HR guidance.

NB This can be more than a year in the future.

Salary comments

Enter notes for the Approver/ Payroll.


  1. Click SAVE in bottom right.
  2. Employee record will load and the successful record creation alert will appear in top right.
  3. The appointing process is now complete.
  4. Move on to 'Commence' the appointment (this can be done straight away).
  5. Proceed to complete the New starter checklist, including for existing staff.